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School of Communication and Information; Rutgers University

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II.   Publications. 5






AB, 1959 (Summa cum laude). Columbia University. Physics and Mathematics.

PhD, 1963. Princeton University. Theoretical Physics.



Honorary Associate, Department of Industrial Systems Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison 2015-present

Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Information Science, Rutgers University 2015-present

Director of Research at CCICADA, the Command, Control, and Interoperability Center for Advanced Data Analysis, June 2012.

Sabbaticant, Department of Defense Mathematical Sabbaticant Program, Mar-Aug 2010

Member, CCICADA, DHS Center (2009-Present).

Member, Rutgers Center for Advanced Information Processing (2008-Present).

Member, Rutgers Department of Homeland Security DyDAn Center for Dynamic Data Analysis (2007-Present).

Member, New Jersey Office of Homeland Security, Preparedness College (2007-Present).

Member, Rutgers University Homeland Security Research Initiative (2002-Present).

Director, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Information Privacy and Security. (2004-Present).

Member of the Graduate Faculty, Department of Computer Science, Rutgers (2004-Present).

Member, Rutgers Center for Discrete Mathematics and Computer Sciences DIMACS (2002-Present).

Professor II (“Distinguished”), Rutgers University School of Communication, Information and Library Studies (2001-Present).

Director, Rutgers Distributed Laboratory for Digital Libraries.  (1998-Present)

Professor, Rutgers University School of Communication, Information and Library Studies (1991-2001).

Director, Alexandria Project Laboratory (1991-Present).

Member, Rutgers Center for Operations Research RUTCOR (1990-Present).

President and Chief Scientist, Tantalus Inc.  (1976-2005).

Associate Professor, School of Library and Information, Case-Western Reserve University (1972-1976).

Joint appointment in Department of Operations Research, School of Management, Case-Western Reserve University (1974-1977).

Program Director, Complex Systems Institute, Case-Western Reserve University (1973-1974).

Associate Director, Complex Systems Institute, Case-Western Reserve University (1972-1973).

Associate Professor Physics (Case-Western Reserve University (1968-1973).

Assistant Professor Physics (Case-Western Reserve University (1967-1968).

Visiting Assistant Professor Physics, SUNY Stony Brook (1965-1967).

Research Associate, Brookhaven National Labs (1963-1965).



Biography:  listed in, Who's Who in America, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005; Who’s Who in the World 2003-.

Research Award ASIST (2001).

Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science. (Fall 2000).

Fulbright Research Scholar, 1999-2000 Hogskolen I Oslo (Oslo University College), Norway.

Best Paper Award, Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, 1995.

Rutgers SCILS Research Award, 1994, 2000.

American Society of Information Science, Best JASIS paper award, 1989 (with A. Chamis, T. Saracevic and D. Trivisson).

Distinguished Visiting Research Scholar, Online Center for Library Computing (OCLC), 1987 July-December.

Distinguished Service Award, Management Information Systems Research Center, University of Minnesota, 1986.

Member, Phi Beta Kappa. Elected junior year by Columbia College Chapter, 1958; Michaelis Prize in Physics, 1959, Columbia University;  van Buren Prize in Mathematics, 1958, Columbia University.



(Founding) Editor-in-chief-Information Retrieval, Kluwer Academic Press (1998-2005); Member Editorial Board: Information Retrieval, Kluwer, Springer (1998-Present); JASIS (1994-Present); Information Processing and Management (1991-Present); Member: American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS); Am. Statistical Assn; IEEE (Senior Member); ASIST; INFORMS; Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and other scientific and professional organizations.




a.      Outside Funding


2013    Paul B. Kantor (PI),  NSF IIS -- BIGDATA: Mid-Scale: ESCE: Collaborative Research: Discovery and Social Analytics for Large-Scale Scientific Literature. Agency/Source of Support: NSF IIS-1247696. Total Funding: $996,792. Period of Performance: 1/01/13-12/31/2015. Part of a 3 million collaborative grant with Cornell and Princeton Universities. (Co-PI 2015-; Rebeca Wright, PI)

2012    Paul Kantor. Research on Entity Disambiguation. Agency/Source of Support: US DOD. Total Funding: $140,147.  Period of Performance: 11/1/2012 – 2/3/2015.  Interagency Personnel Agreement (IPA).

2011    Paul B. Kantor (PI), David Blei (Co-PI), Peter Frazier (Co-PI), Paul Ginsparg (Co-PI), Thorsten Joachims (Co-PI). NSF/EAGER IIS -- Adaptive Methods for Scalable Dissemination and Retrieval of Scientific Information. Agency/Source of Support: NSF/EAGER IIS-1142251. Total Funding: $299,501. Period of Performance: 7/01/11-6/30/2012.

2011    Paul B. Kantor (PI), Cecilia S. Gal (Co-PI). NSF/EAGER IIS -- REU II Supplement. Assessment of Barriers to Trusting Computer-Based Home Assistance. Agency/Source of Support: NSF/EAGER IIS-0945192 1/1. Supplement Funding: $16,300. Period of Performance: 9/21/09-9/20/2011.

2010    Paul B. Kantor (PI), Tina Eliassi-Rad (Co-PI). Research on Knowledge Discovery and Dissemination for the SOTAR System. Prime Contractor: Telcordia. Source of Support: IARPA. Total Funding:  $849,836. Period of Performance: 11/05/2010- 12/29/2012.

2010    Paul B. Kantor (PI), Cecilia S. Gal (Co-PI). NSF/EAGER IIS -- REU Supplement. Assessment of Barriers to Trusting Computer-Based Home Assistance. Agency/Source of Support: NSF/EAGER IIS-0945192 1/1. Supplement Funding: $16,000. Period of Performance: 9/21/09-9/20/2011.

2009-2011. Paul B. Kantor (PI), Cecilia S. Gal (Co-PI). Assessment of Barriers to Trusting Computer-Based Home Assistance. Agency/Source of Support: NSF/EAGER IIS-0945192 1/1. Total Funding: $299,661. Period of Performance: 9/21/09-9/20/2011.

2009-2012. Paul B. Kantor (PI). Cognitive Assistants as Analyst’s Deputies. Agency/Source of Support: U.S. National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGIA) Intelligence Community Post Doctoral Fellowship Program HM1582-09-1-0022. Total Funding: $360,000. Period of Performance: 9/1/09-8/31/2012.

2009-2010.William M. Pottenger (Co-PI), Paul B. Kantor (Co-PI). Entity Matching System. Agency/Source of Support: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice Information Led Policing Research, Technology Development, Testing, and Evaluation. Total Funding: $213,561. Period of Performance: 2/1/2009-2/1/2010.

2007-2009. Paul B. Kantor (PI), Endre Boros (Co-PI) RUTCOR. Deceptive Detection: High Risk, High Performance Strategies. Agency/Source of Support: NSF/CBET-0735910. Total Funding: $299,886. Period of Performance: 08/31/07-8/31/08; and DHS 2008-DN-077-ARI003-02 Total Funding $159,563. Period of Performance: 9/1/08-8/31/09.

2006-2007 Paul B. Kantor (PI), Bracha Shapira (Co-PI). NATO Advanced Research Workshop – Security Informatics and Terrorism: Patrolling the Web – NATO Science for Peace and Security Series Workshops. Agency/Source of Support: NATO ARW. Total Funding: $50,732. Period of Performance: 12/1/2006 – 12/31/2007.

2005-2007. Paul B. Kantor (PI). IAIMS Evaluation. Agency/Source of Support: NLM. Total Funding: $67,141. Period of Performance: 09/05-12/07.

2005-2008. Fred Roberts (PI) DIMACS, Paul B. Kantor (Co-PI). A Decision Logic Approach to the Port-of-Entry Inspection Problem. Agency/Source of Support: NSF/SES-0518543. Total Funding: $599,999. Period of Performance: 9/1/05-8/31/08.

2002-2009. (Supplement) Fred Roberts (PI), Paul B. Kantor (Co-PI). Three Special Focus Programs at DIMACS: Supplement for the Monitoring Message Streams Project. Agency/Source of Support: NSF CCR 00-87022. Total Funding: For the KDD add-on: $560,000. Period of Performance: 7/1/02-8/31/09.

2007-2010. Fred Roberts (PI); Paul B. Kantor (Co-PI). Optimization Problems for Detection Systems. Agency/Source of Support: ONR [DOD-DON-ONR-N00014-07-1-0299]. Total Funding: $224,863, Period of Performance: 2/1/07-1/31/10.

2007-2009. Fred Roberts (PI), Paul B. Kantor (Co-PI). The Center for Dynamic Data Mining for Homeland Security. Agency/Source of Support: DHS [DOD-DON-ONR-N00014-07-1-0150]. Total Funding: $3,000,000. Period of Performance: 1/1/07-12/31/09.

2004-2006. Tomek Strzalkowski (PI) SUNY Albany, Paul B. Kantor (PI), Kwong Bor Ng (Co-PI) CUNY, Nina Wacholder (Co-PI) Rutgers. High Quality Interactive Question Answering (HITIQA). ARDA $500,000. 

2004-2006. David Madigan (PI) DIMACS, Paul B. Kantor (Co-PI). Author Identification. KD-D/NSF $250,000.

2004-2006. Fred Roberts (PI), Paul B. Kantor (Co-PI and Project Coordinator). Monitoring Message Streams: Retrospective and Prospective Event Detection. KD-D/NSF. $300,000.

2002-2005. Steve Hanson (PI) Department of Psychology, Rutgers, Paul B. Kantor (Co-PI).  Dynamic Brain Imaging and Archiving.  McDonnell Foundation, St. Louis (grant #: 420150). $495,000. Total Award Period Covered: 04/01/02 - 03/31/05.

2002-2005. Paul B. Kantor (PI and Project Director), Steve Hanson (Co-PI) Rutgers et al.  Novel Indexing and Retrieval of Dynamic Brain Images. NSF EIA 0205178. $2,033,722.

2002-2003. Fred Roberts (PI), Paul B. Kantor (Co-PI and Project Coordinator). Monitoring Message Streams: Retrospective and Prospective Event Detection. KD-D/NSF. $700,000.

2001-2004. Tomek Strzalkowski (PI) SUNY Albany, Paul B. Kantor (Co-PI), Kwong Bor Ng (Co-PI) CUNY. High Quality Interactive Question Answering (HITIQA). ARDA. $613,500.

1997-2001 (Extension) Paul B. Kantor (PI). A Novel Approach to Information Finding in Networked Environments.  Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. $200,000. (

1997-2000. Paul B. Kantor (PI), Benjamin Melamed (Co-PI), Faculty of Management, Rutgers, Endre Boros (Co-PI). A Novel Approach to Information Finding in Networked Environments.  Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. $1,146,000. (

1998-2000. Paul B. Kantor (PI), Kwong Bor Ng (Co-PI) Florida State University, later Queens College, CUNY. Semantic Dimensionality and Data Fusion for Optimal Information Retrieval. NSF. $93,000.

1996-1998. Paul B. Kantor (PI). Exploration of Variable Pricing for Online Services at Research Libraries. Council on Library Resources. $25,000.

1996-1998. Paul B. Kantor (PI). The Efficiency of Research Libraries: A New Analytical Tool and Pilot Study Using 1995 ARL Data. Council on Library Resources. $25,000.

1996-1997. Paul B. Kantor (PI), D. Hull (Co-PI) Rank Xerox Corporation. Study of the Statistical Significance of the TREC Text REtrieval Conferences. National Institute of Standards and Technology. $25,000.

1996-1998. Paul B. Kantor (PI), T. Saracevic (Co-PI), Rutgers. Studying the Value of Information Services in Special Libraries and Information Centers.  The Special Libraries Association. $52,000.

1995-1999. Paul B. Kantor (PI), D.R. King (Co-PI), Rutgers. Evaluation of Direct Catalog Access to Digitized Image Collections: Digital Library Experiments. New York University. $150,000.

1993 - 1994. Paul B. Kantor (PI), T. Saracevic (Co-PI). Study of the Costs and Beneficial Impacts of Library Functions. Council on Library Resources. $97,000.

1993. Paul B. Kantor and N. Belkin, Rutgers (Joint Project Directors). Equipment funds to participate in the 2nd Text REtrieval Conference. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. $9,800.

1991-1994. Paul B. Kantor (PI), Ron Rice (Co-PI), Rutgers, N. Contractor (Co-PI), University of Illinois. Adaptive Network Library Interface, U.S. Department of Education. 3 years. $306,000.



b.      Rutgers University Internal Funding


2007-2009. Barry Sopher (Co-PI) Department of Economics, Rutgers, Paul B. Kantor (Co-PI). Integrate Information Science and Economics: A Foundation for Major Research Instrumentation and Cyber-Enabled Grant Funding. Rutgers University Academic Excellence Funding. $80,000.

2004-2005. Paul B. Kantor, Director of Center of Interdisciplinary Studies in Information Policy and Security. Rutgers University Academic Excellence Funding. $100,000.

1998-Present. Paul B. Kantor, Director of Rutgers Distributed Laboratory for Digital Libraries Project (joint SCILS, Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science, Department of Computer Science and other University units). This has received a total of $250,000 SROA, and associated faculty have generated more $6 million in resulting and related research project funding.

1991-Present. Paul B. Kantor, Director of The Alexandria Project: A Laboratory for the Study of Library Function (APLab). Rutgers, SCILS. 


1996-2000. Research Development Grants, School of Communication, Information and Library Studies (SCILS), Rutgers. Received in 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996

2000 Spring $3,500 SCILS Internal Grant for Research Development. Paul Kantor (PI).

1999 Spring $400 SCILS Internal Grant for Research Development. Paul Kantor (PI).

1998 Spring $600 SCILS Internal Grant for Research Development. Paul Kantor (PI).


II.   Publications


DISSERTATION. 1959 - 1963. Graduate Student. Princeton University. Woodrow Wilson Fellow. National Science Foundation Cooperative Fellow. Thesis advisor: Sam Treiman, Ph.D. DISSERTATION: Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering and the Meson Resonances. Developed and applied the so-called Kantor Amplitudes for studying the dynamic structure of partial wave scattering amplitudes.


1.       Published Books


a)       Authored

1.     Kantor, P. B. (1986). Functional Cost Analysis for Libraries. Cleveland: Tantalus, Inc. 80pp.

2.     Kantor, P. B. (1986). Costs of Preservation Microfilming at Research Libraries: A Study of Four Institutions. Washington, D.C.: Council on Library Resources. 32pp.

3.     Kantor, P. B. (1984). Objective Performance Measures for Academic and Research Libraries. Washington, D.C.: The Association of Research Libraries. 76pp+ Exhibits.


b)       Edited

1.       Ricci, F., Rokach, L., Shapira, B., Kantor, P.B., (Eds.) (2011). Recommender Systems Handbook. 1st Edition, XXIX, 842 p. Springer: Heidelberg, Germany.

2.       Gal, C.S., Kantor, P.B., & Lesk, M.E. (Eds.) (2009). Protecting Persons While Protecting the People: Proceedings of a Workshop on Information Privacy and National Security. Springer LNCS, Vol. 5661, Springer: Heidelberg, Germany.

3.       Kantor, P.B., Kazai, G., Milic-Frayling, N., Wilkinson, R. (Eds.). (2008). Proceedings of the 2008 ACM Workshop on Research Advances in Large Digital Book Repositories, BooksOnline 2008, ACM: Napa Valley, California, USA, October 30, 2008. []

4.       Gal, C.S., Kantor, P.B., & Shapira, B. (Eds.). (2008). Patrolling the Web -- Social and Technical Problems of Detecting and Controlling Terrorist's Use of the World Wide Web. NATO Security Through Science Series: Human and Societal Dynamics: Security Informatics and Terrorism. Amsterdam: IOS Press.

5.       Kantor, P., Muresan, G., Roberts, F., Zeng, D., Wang, F-Y., Chen, H., & Merkle, R.C. (Eds.). (2005). Intelligence and Security Informatics, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics. New York: Springer. [ISI 2005 - Atlanta, GA. May 19-20, 2005. ISBN: 3-540-25999-6].

6.       Kanungo, T., Zhou, J., Barney-Smith, E., & Kantor, P.B. (Eds.). (2003). Document Recognition and Retrieval X. Proceedings of the SPIE. Vol. 5010. Bellingham, Washington.

7.       Kantor, P.B., Kanungo, T., & Zhou, J. (Eds.). (2002). Document Recognition and Retrieval IX. Proceedings of the SPIE. Vol. 4670. Bellingham Washington. (pp. 256).

8.       Kantor, P.B., Lopresti, D.P., & Zhou, J. (Eds.). (2001). Document Recognition and Retrieval VIII. Proceedings of the SPIE. Vol. 4307. Bellingham, Washington. (pp. 372).


c)       Chapters in Books

1.       Kantor, P.B. (2009). Chapter on "Information Theory". In Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences, Third Edition. New York: Taylor & Francis.

2.       Boros, E., Elsayed, E.A., Kantor, P.B., Roberts, F., & Xie, M. (2008). Optimization Problems for Port-of-Entry Detection Systems. In H. Chen & C.C. Yang (Eds.) Intelligence and Security Informatics, (135, 319-335). Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-69209-6 and 10.1007/978-3-540-69209-6_17

3.       Kantor, P. B. (1994). Information Retrieval Techniques. In M. Williams (Ed.), Annual Review of Information Science (pp. 53-90). Medford, NJ: Learned Information Inc.

4.       Kantor, P.B. (1990). Economic Aspects. Overview of the Data Considered. A Survey of Copy Cataloging Practices at ARL Libraries. Costs and Benefits of Distributed Cataloging to Library of Congress Standards. In C. Mandel, M. Runkle, P.B. Kantor (Eds.), The National Coordinated Cataloging Program: An Assessment of the Pilot Project (pp. 9-71). Washington, D.C.: Council on Library Resources, Inc.

5.       Kantor, P. B. (1989). Assessing the Costs During Budget Planning for Medline [CD-ROM]. In Medline on CD-ROM (pp. 35-43). Medford, NJ: Learned Information Inc.

6.       Kantor, P. B. (1987). Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back: The Problem of Performance Standards for Academic and Research Libraries. In Issues in Research Librarianship. (pp. 90-104). University of Indiana Libraries, Bloomington IN.

7.       Kantor, P. B. (1985). The Relation Between Costs and Services at Academic Libraries. In T.W. Mann Jr., P. Spyers-Duran (Eds.), Financing Information Services (pp. 184-205).  Westport CT: Greenwood Press.

8.       Kantor, P. B. (1982). Evaluation and Feedback in Information Storage and Retrieval Systems. In Annual Review of Information Science and Technology Vol. 17. (pp. 99-120). White Plains, NY: Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc.

9.       Kantor, P. B. (1980). Fields. In the Encyclopedia of Physics (pp. 325-326). Reading, MA:  Addison Wesley.

10.    Kantor, P. B. (1980). Analyzing the Availability of Reference Services. In Library Effectiveness (pp. 132-151). Chicago, IL: Library Administration and Management Association/American Library Association.

11.    Kantor, P. B. (1980). Availability Analysis. In Key Papers in Information Science (pp. 368-376). White Plains, NY:  Knowledge Industry Publications Inc.

12.    Kantor, P. B., & Nelson, R.J. (1979). Ethics and the Environment: Decision Making in the Presence of Complex Goals. In Key Papers in Decision Theory (pp. 201-217). Dordrecht, The Netherlands:  Reidel Press. 


2.       Journal Articles (refereed)


1.       Kantor, P.B., Bullinger, J., Gal, C.S. (2012). Patient Decision-Making Modes and Causes: A Preliminary Investigation. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 63 (7), 1332-1349. DOI: 10.1002/asi.22667

2.       Boros, E., Goldberg, N., Kantor, P.B., Word, J. (2011). Optimal Sequential Inspection Policies. Annals OR, 187 (1), 89-119. DOI 10.1007/s10479-010-0799-6 [PDF]

3.       Sun, Y., Kantor, P.B., & Morse, E.L. (2011). Using Cross-Evaluation to Evaluate Interactive QA Systems. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 62 (9), 1653- 1665. [PDF]. DOI: 10.1002/asi.21585.

4.       Kantor, P. & Boros, E. (2010). Deceptive Detection Methods for Effective Security with Inadequate Budgets: The Testing Power Index. Risk Analysis. 30 (4), 663-673. [PDF]. DOI: 10.1111/j.1539-6924.2010.01370.x

5.       Kelly, D., Kantor, P. B., Morse, E. L., Scholtz, J., & Sun, Y. (2009). Questionnaires for eliciting evaluation data from users of interactive question answering systems. Journal of Natural Language Engineering, 15 (1), 119-141. (Special Issue on Interactive Question Answering) (Subscription Required).

6.       Boros, E., Fedzhora, L., Kantor, P.B., Saeger, K., & Stroud, P. (2009, August). A Large-Scale Linear Programming Model for Finding Optimal Container Inspection Strategies. Naval Research Logistics, (NRL) 56 (5), 404-420. DOI: 10.1002/nav.20349 (Subscription Required)]. [PDF]

7.       Shapira, B., Binun, A., Kantor, P., Elovici, Y. (2009). A Decision Theoretic Approach to Combining Information Filters: Analysis and Empirical Results. Online Information Review, 33 (5), 920-942. (ISI 2008 Impact Factor 1.103) [DOI 10.1108/14684520911001918]

8.       Novatnack, J., Cornea, N., Shokoufandeh, A., Silver, D., Dickinson, S., Kantor, P., and Bai, B. (2008). A generalized family of fixed-radius distribution-based distance measures for content-based fMRI image retrieval. Pattern Recogn. Lett. 29, 12 (Sep. 2008), 1726-1732. [DOI=] [PDF]

9.       Wacholder, N., Kelly, D., Kantor, P.B., Rittman, R., Sun, Y., Bai, B., Small, S., Yamrom, B., & Strzalkowski, T. (2007). A model for quantitative evaluation of an end-to-end question-answering system. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58 (8), 1082-1099. (June 2007). [PDF].

10.    Kelly, Diane., Wacholder, Nina., Rittman, Robert., Sun, Ying., Kantor, P.B., Small, Sharon., & Strzalkowski, Tomek. (2007). Using interview data to identify evaluation criteria for interactive, analytical question-answering systems. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58 (7) 1032-1043. (May 2007). [PDF].

11.    Kantor, P. B. & Roberts, F. (2007). Monitoring Message Streams: Algorithmic Methods for Automatic Processing of Messages. Journal of the Intelligence Community Research and Development. February 2, 2007. [PDF]. This link is to the manuscript as submitted. JICRD is a classified journal and the authors have not seen the published paper.

12.    Ng, Kwong Bor., Kantor, P.B., Strzalkowski, Tomek., Wacholder, Nina., Tang, Rong., Bai, Bing., Rittman, Robert., Song, Peng., & Sun, Ying. (2006). Automated judgment of document qualitiesJournal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57 (9), 1155-1164. (July 2006). [PDF].

13.    Sun, Y., & Kantor, P.B. (2006).  Cross-Evaluation: A new model for information system evaluation.  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57 (5), 614-628. (March 2006). [PDF].

14.    Elovici, Yuval., Shapira, Bracha., & Kantor, P.B. (2006). A decision theoretic approach to combining information filters: An analytical and empirical evaluation. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57 (3), 306-320. (1 February 2006). [DOI 10.1002/asi.20278] [PDF].

15.    Elovici, Y., Shapira, B. & Kantor, P. B. (2003). Using the Information Structure Model to Compare Profile-Based Information Filtering Systems. Information Retrieval, 6 (1), 75-97. [PDF].

16.    Summerfield, Mary., Mandel, Carol., & Kantor, Paul B. (2001). Perspectives on Scholarly Online Books: The Columbia University Online Books Evaluation Project. Journal of Library Administration, 35 (1/2), 61-82. [PDF].

17.    Shapira, B., Kantor, P.B., & Melamed, B. (2001). The Effect of Extrinsic Motivation on User Behavior a Collaborative Information Finding System. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 52, 879-887. [PDF].

18.    Summerfield, Mary., Mandel, Carol., & Kantor, Paul B. (2000). The Potential for Scholarly Online Books: Views from the Columbia University Online Books Evaluation Project. Publishing Research Quarterly, 16 (3), 39-52. (Fall 2000). [PDF]. [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi: 10.1007/s12109-000-0015-7].

19.    Kantor, P.B., & Voorhees, E. M. (2000). The TREC-5 Confusion Track: Comparing Retrieval Methods for Scanned Text. Information. Retrieval, 2 (2/3), 165-176. [PDF].

20.    Kantor, P.B., Boros, E.,  Melamed, B., Menkov, V., Shapira, B., & Neu, D.J. (2000). Enabling technologies: capturing human intelligence in the Net. Communications of the ACM, 43 (8), 112-115. [PDF].

21.    Ng, K.B., & Kantor, P. B. (2000).  Predicting the Effectiveness of Naive Data Fusion on the Basis of System Characteristics. Journal of American Society for Information Science, 51 (13), 1177-1189. [DOI 10.1002/1097-4571(2000)9999:9999<::AID-ASI1030>3.0.CO;2-E] [PDF].

22.    Zangwill, Willard I. & Kantor Paul B.  (2000). The Learning Curve: A New PerspectiveInternational Transactions in Operations Research, 7(6), 595-607. [PDF.] [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi:10.1111/j.1475-3995.2000.tb00219.x].

23.    Zangwill, W.I., & Kantor, P.B. (1998). Toward a Theory of Continuous Improvement and the Learning Curve. Management Science, 44 (7), 910-920. [PDF.]

24.    Kantor, P.B., & Lee, J.J. (1998). Testing the Maximum Entropy Principle for Information Retrieval. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 49 (6), 557-566. [PDF].

25.    Saracevic, T., & Kantor, P.B. (1997). Studying the Value of Library and Information Services. Part I. Establishing a Theoretical FrameworkJournal of the American Society for Information Science, 48 (6), 527-542. [PDF]. [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-4571(199706)48:6<527::AID-ASI6>3.0.CO;2-W]. 

26.    Saracevic, T., & Kantor, P.B. (1997). Studying the Value of Library and Information Services. Part II. Methodology and Taxonomy. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 48 (6), 543-563. [PDF.]. [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4571(199706)48:6<543::AID-ASI7>3.0.CO;2-U].

27.    Abels, E.G., Kantor, P.B., & Saracevic, T. (1996). Studying the cost and value of library and information services: applying functional cost analysis to the library in transition. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 47 (3), 217-227. [PDF.].

28.    Belkin, N., Kantor, P.B., Fox, E., & Shaw, J. (1995). Combining the Evidence of Multiple Query Representations for Information Retrieval. Information Processing and Management, 31 (3), 431-448. [PDF.]. [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: C:\KantorLabs\GENERALACTIVITIES\public_html\Final_CV_v2_files\image001.gifdoi:10.1016/0306-4573(94)00057-A].

29.    Woods, W.A., Moser, H.D., Frieder, O., & Kantor, P.B. (1995). An Experimental Evaluation of Task Scheduling on Reconfigurable Multicomputer Architectures. Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, 10 (4), 244-254. (October 1995).

30.    Cherikh, M. & Kantor, P.B. (1992). Counterexamples in distributed detection. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 38 (1), 162-165. [PDF.]. [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi: 10.1109/18.108263].

31.    Kantor, P.B., & Zangwill, W.I. (1991).  Theoretical foundation for a learning rate budget. Management Science, 37 (3), 315-330. [PDF.].

32.    Kantor, P.B., & Lee, J.J. (1991). A study of probabilistic information retrieval systems in the case of inconsistent expert judgments. Journal of the American Association for Information Science, 42 (3), 166-172. [PDF.].

33.    Kantor, P.B. (1989). Library cost analysis. In Problem Solving in Libraries [Special Issue]. Library Trends, 38 (2), 171-188, (Fall 1989).

34.    Saracevic, T., Kantor, P.B., Chamis, A., & Trivison, D. (1988). A Study of information seeking and retrieving. I. Background and methodology. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 39 (3), 161-176. (May 1988). [PDF.]. [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4571(198805)39:3<161::AID-ASI2>3.0.CO;2-0].

35.    Saracevic, T., Kantor, P.B., Chamis, A., & Trivison, D. (1988). A Study of information seeking and retrieving. II. Users, questions, and effectiveness. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 39 (3), 177-196. (May 1988). [PDF.]. [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4571(198805)39:3<177::AID-ASI3>3.0.CO;2-F].

36.    Saracevic, T., & Kantor, P.B. (1988). A Study of information seeking and retrieving. III. Searchers, searches, and overlap. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 39 (3), 197-216. (May 1988). [PDF.]. [*Note: These 3 papers received the 1989 Best Papers Award of the American Society for Information Science.]. [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4571(198805)39:3<197::AID-ASI4>3.0.CO;2-A]. 

37.    Kantor, P.B. (1987). A model for stopping behavior of the users of on-line systems. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 38 (3), 211-214. (May 1987). [PDF.]. [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4571(198705)38:3<211::AID-ASI10>3.0.CO;2-U]. 

38.    Kantor, P.B. (1986). Three studies of cost and services at academic libraries. Advances in Library Administration and Organization, 5, 221-285.

39.    Kantor, P.B. (1986).  Is Hilbert space too large? Physical Review Letters, 56 (14), 1437-1440. (April 7, 1986). [PDF.]. [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.56.1437].

40.    Kantor, P.B. (1984). Cost and usage of health sciences libraries: economic aspects. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 72 (3), 274-286. (July 1984). [PDF.].

41.    Kantor, P.B. (1984). Maximum entropy and the optimal design of automated information retrieval systems. Information Technology Research Development and Application, (GB) 3 (2), 88-94.

42.    Kantor, P.B. (1981). Quantitative evaluation of the reference process. RQ, 21 (1), 43-53. (Fall 1981).

43.    Kantor, P.B. (1981). Levels of output related to cost of operation of scientific and technical Libraries, Part II: A capacity model of the average cost formula, Library Research, 3 (2), 141-154. (Summer 1981).

44.    Kantor, P.B. (1981). Levels of output related to cost of operation of scientific and technical Libraries. Part I: Techniques and cumulative statistics. Library Research, 3 (1), 1-28. (Spring 1981).

45.    Kantor, P.B. (1981). The logic of weighted queries. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 11 (12), 816-821.

46.    Kantor, P.B. (1981). Demand adjusted shelf availability parameters. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 7 (2), 78-82. (May 1981) [PDF.].

47.    Kantor, P.B. (1981). On the stability of distributions of the type described by Trueswell. College and Research Libraries, 41 (6), 514-516.

48.    Kantor, P.B. (1980). A review of library operations research. Library Research, 1, 295-345.

49.    Kantor, P.B., & Nelson, R.J. (1979). Ethics and the environment: Decision making in the presence of complex goals. Journal of Theory and Decision, 10, 181-200.

50.    Kantor, P.B. (1978). A note on cumulative advantage distributions. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 29 (4), 202-204. [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi:10.1002/asi.4630290409]. 

51.    Kantor, P.B. (1978). Vitality, an indirect measure of relevance. Collection Management, 2 (1), 83-95.

52.    Saracevic, T., Shaw, W., & Kantor, P.B. (1977). Causes and dynamics of user frustration at an academic library. College and Research Libraries, 38, 7-18.

53.    Kantor, P.B. (1976). Availability analysis. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 27 (6), 311-319. (October 1976). [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi: 10.1002/asi.46302702019927699].

54.    Kantor, P.B. (1976). The library as an information utility in the university context: Evolution and measurement of service. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 27 (2), 100-112. [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi: 10.1002/asi.4630270205].

55.    Kantor, P.B. (1970). Extension of the Riemann-Lebesgue lemma. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 11 (10), 3099-3103. (October 1970). [PDF.]. [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi: 10.1063/1.1665099].

56.    Kantor, P.B. (1970). Internal symmetry cannot be concealed. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 11 (6), 1995-1996. (June 1970). [PDF.]. [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi: 10.1063/1.1665356].

57.    Kantor, P.B. (1970). Possible difficulty with the eikonal picture of high energy interactions. Physical Review Letters, 24 (19), 1081-1083. (May 11, 1970). [PDF]. [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights)doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.24.1081].

58.    Johnson, J.L., & Kantor, P.B. (1969). Polarization in pion-nucleon scattering. Il Nuovo Cimento Series A, 64 (2), 353-60. (November 21, 1969). [alphabetical].

59.    Kantor, P.B., & Pientenpol, J. (1968). Chiral symmetry and the mass of the pion. Physical Review Letters, 21 (4), 241-243. (July 22, 1968). [PDF]. [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.21.241].

60.    Kantor, P.B. (1967). Self conjugate bosons, internal symmetry and CPT invariance. Physical Review Letters, 19 (7), 394-397. (August 14, 1967). [PDF.]. [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi:

61.    Kantor, P.B. (1966). Application of partial wave analyticity to nucleon-nucleon scattering. Physical Review, 148 (4), 1411-1418. (August 26, 1966). [PDF.]. [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi: 10.1103/PhysRev.148.1411].

62.    Kantor, P.B., Kuo, T.K., Trueman, T.L., & Peierls, R.F. (1965). Comparison of the predictions of SU(12) with nucleon-nucleon scattering Data. Physical Review, 140, 4B 1008-1012. (Nov. 22, 1965). [PDF.]. [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi: 10.1103/PhysRev.140.B1008].

63.    Kantor, P.B. (1965). Unitarity and partial wave amplitudes. Annals of Physics, 33 (2), 196-213. (June 17, 1965).

64.    Kantor, P.B. (1964). Nucleon-nucleon scattering and the meson resonances. Physical Review Letters, 12 (2), 52-54. (Jan. 13, 1964). [PDF.]. [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.12.52].


3.       Journal Articles (not refereed)


1.       Kantor, PB. (2007). Historical note on the archaeology and the history of recommender systems. Available at:  

2.       Lin, J., & Kantor, P. B. (2007). Presentation schemes for component analysis in IR experiments. ACM SIGIR Forum, 41 (1), 34-39. (June 2007). [PDF].

3.       Callan, J., & Kantor, P.B., & Grossman, D. (2002). Information retrieval and OCR: from converting content to grasping meaning. SIGIR Forum, 36 (2), 58-61. [PDF].

4.       Kantor, P.B. (1993). The adaptive network library interface: A historical overview and interim Report. Library Hi-Tech, 11 (3), 81-92.

5.       Saracevic, T., & Kantor, P.B. (1991). Online searching: Still an imprecise art. Library Journal, 116 (16), 47-51. [PDF].


4.       Published Conference Proceedings


1.       Chalupsky, H., DeMarco, R., Hovy, E., Kantor, P., Matlin, A., Mitra, P., Ozbas, B., Roberts, F., Wojtowicz, J., & Xie, M. (2013). Estimating violation risk for fisheries regulations, in P. Perny, M. Pirlot, and A. Tsoukias (Eds.)., Proceedings of International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory III, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNAI 8176, Springer, 297-308.

2.       Brody, S., & Kantor, P.B. (2011). Automatic assessment of coverage quality. In Intelligence Reports. Proceedings of the 2011 Annual Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2011), Portland, OR, June 2011. [PDF].

3.       Frazier, P., Powell, W., Dayanik, S., & Kantor, P. (2009). Approximate Dynamic Programming in Knowledge Discovery for Rapid Response. Proceedings of HICSS-42. January 5-8, 2009. Hawaii. [PDF]. (HICSS-42).

4.       Smith, C.L., Kantor, P.B. (2008). User adaptation: Good results from poor systems. Proceedings of the 31st annual international ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. July 20-24, 2008, Singapore. [PDF] (SIGIR 2008).

5.       Bai, B., Kantor, P.B. & Shokoufandeh, A. (2007). The Effectiveness of Finite Impulse Response Model in Content-based fMRI Image Retrieval. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, 4792, 742-750. [DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-75759-7_90] [PDF] (MICCAI 07).

6.       Bai, B., & Kantor, P.B. (2007). A Shape-Based Finite Impulse Response Model for functional Brain Images. Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 4th IEEE International Symposium, Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 440-443. [PDF] (ISBI07).

7.       Bai, B., Kantor, P.B., Shokoufandeh, A., & Silver, D. (2007). fMRI Brain Image Retrieval Based on ICA Components. Proceedings of Encuentro Nacional de Computacion: Current Trends in Computer Science, 10-17. [PDF.]. (ENC07).

8.       Bai, B., Kantor, P.B., Cornea, N.D., & Silver, D. (2007). Toward Content-based Indexing and Retrieval of Functional Brain Images. Proceedings of the 8th Conference of Recherche d'Information Assistee par Ordinateur. [PDF] (RIAO 07).

9.       Bai, B., Kantor, P.B., Cornea, N.D., Silver, D. (2006). IR Principles for content-based indexing and retrieval of functional brain images. Proceedings of ACM Fifteenth International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, November 2006, 139-146. [PDF] (CIKM 2006).

10.    Kelly, D., Kantor, P.B., Scholtz, J., & Sun, Y. (2006). User-centered evaluation of interactive question answering systems. Proceedings of the Workshop on Interactive Question Answering at the Human Language Technology Conference. [PDF] (HLT-NAACL ’06, New York, NY).

11.    Cornea, N.D., Ibraev, U., Silver, D., Kantor, P.B., Shokoufandeh, A., Abrahamson, J., & Dickinson, S. (2005). A Visualization Tool for fMRI Data Mining. (Poster). Proceedings of IEEE Visualization Conference, 93. (VIS 2005).

12.    Cornea, N.D., Demirci, M.F., Silver, D., Shokoufandeh, A., Dickinson, S., & Kantor, P.B. (2005). 3D Object Retrieval Using Many-to-many Matching of Curve Skeletons, Proceedings of The International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications, 368-373. (SMI, MIT, June 2005). [DOI Bookmark:] [PDF.]

13.    Fradkin, Dimitriy., & Kantor, Paul B. (2005). Methods for Learning Classifier Combinations: No Clear Winner.  Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing: Information Access and Retrieval Track, 1038-1043, [DOI]  [PDF] (March 2005).

14.    Bai, B., Ng, K.B., Sun, Y., Kantor, P. B. & Strzalkowski, T. (2004). The institutional dimension of document quality judgments. Proceedings of the 2004 Annual Meeting of American Society for Information Science and Technology, 41 (1), 110-118. (ASIST 2004). [PDF.]

15.    Rittman, R., Wacholder, N., Kantor, P. B., Ng, K. B., Strzalkowski, T., & Sun, Y. (2004) Adjectives as indicators of subjectivity in documents. Proceedings of the 67th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 41 (1), 349-359. [PDF.].

16.    Sun, Y., Kantor, P.B., Strzalkowski, T., Rittman, R., & Wacholder, N. (2004). Cross Evaluation - a pilot application of a new evaluation mechanism. Proceedings of the 2004 Annual Meeting of American Society for Information Science and Technology, 41 (1), 383-392. [PDF.]

17.    Dayanik, Aynur., Fradkin, Dimitriy., Genkin, Alex., Kantor, Paul B., Lewis, David D., Madigan, David., Menkov, Vladimir. (2004). DIMACS at the TREC 2004 Genomics Track. Proceedings of the 13th Text REtrieval Conference. [PDF] (TREC 2004).

18.    Fradkin, Dimitriy., & Kantor, Paul B. (2004). A Design Space Approach to Analysis of Information Retrieval Adaptive Filtering Systems. Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 251-260. [PDF] (CIKM, November 2004).

19.    Tang, R., Ng, K.B., Strzalkowski, T., & Kantor, P.B. (2003). Automatically Predicting Information Quality. Proceedings of the Workshop on Interactive Question Answering at the Human Language Technology Conference. [PDF] (HLT/NACCL'03).

20.    Tang, R., Ng, K.B., Strzalkowski, T., and Kantor, P. (2003). Toward Machine Understanding of Information Quality Proceedings of the 2003 Annual Meeting of American Society for Information Science and Technology, 40 (1), 213-220. [PDF] (ASIST 2003).

21.    Ng, K.B., Kantor, P.B., Tang, R, Rittman, R., Small, S., Song, P., Strzalkowski, T. Sun, Y., & Wacholder, N. (2003). Identification of Effective  Predictive Variables for Document Qualities Proceedings of the 2003 Annual Meeting of American Society for Information Science and Technology, 40 (1), 221-229. [PDF] (ASIST 2003).

22.    Anghelescu, A., Boros, E., Lewis, D., Menkov, V., Neu, D., & Kantor, P.B. (2002).  Rutgers Filtering Work at TREC 2002: Adaptive and Batch. In D. Harman and E. Voorhees (Eds.). The Eleventh Text Retrieval Conference, SP 500-251. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, NIST Special Publication. [PDF] (TREC 2002).

23.    Ibraev, U., Ng, K.B., & Kantor, P. B. (2002). Exploration of a Geometric Model of Data Fusion. Proceedings of the 2002 Conference of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 39 (1), 124-129. [DOI 10.1002/meet.1450390114] [PDF] (ASIST 2002).

24.    Ibraev, U., Ng, K.B., & Kantor, P.B. (2001). Counter-intuitive cases of data fusion in information retrieval. Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Information Science and Technology, 38 (1). (ASIST 2001).

25.    Ng, K.B., Rieh, S.Y., & Kantor, P.B. (2000). Signal detection methods and discriminant analysis applied to categorization of newspaper and government documents: a preliminary study. Proceedings of the 2000 Annual Conference of American Society for Information Science and Technology, 37 (1), 227-236. (ASIST 2000).

26.    Boros, E., Kantor, P.B., & Neu, D.J. (2000). Logical Analysis of Data in the TREC-9 Filtering Track. In D. Harman and E. Voorhees (Eds.). The Ninth Text Retrieval Conference, SP 500-249. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, NIST Special Publication. [PDF] (TREC 2000).

27.    Kantor, P. B., Kim, Myung Ho., Ibraev, Ulukbek., & Atasoy, Koray. (1999). Estimating the Number of Relevant Documents in Enormous Collections. In Woods, Larry (Ed.). Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, 36, 507-514. [PDF]. (ASIS 1999).

28.    Boros, E., Kantor, P.B., Neu, D. (1999).  Pheromonic Representations of User Quests by Digital Structures. In Woods, Larry (Ed.). Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, 36, 633-642. [PDF]. (ASIS 1999).

29.    Kantor, P.B., Melamed, B., Boros, E., & Menkov,V. (1999). The Information Quest: A Dynamic Model of User's Information Needs. In Woods, Larry (Ed.). Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, 36, 536-545. [PDF]. (ASIS 1999).

30.    Shim, Wonsik (Jeff)., & Kantor, Paul B. (1999). Evaluation of Digital Libraries: A DEA Approach. In Woods, Larry (Ed.).  Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, 36, 605-615. [PDF]. (ASIS 1999).

31.    Nordlie, Ragnar., & Kantor, Paul B., (1999). Models of the Behavior of People Searching the Internet: a Petri Net Approach. In Woods, Larry (Ed.).  Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, 36, 643-650. [PDF] (ASIS 1999).

32.    Kantor, P.B., & Saracevic, T. (1999). Quantitative Study of the Value of Research Libraries: A Foundation for the Evaluation of Digital Libraries. In Woods, Larry (Ed.). Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, 36, 407-419. [PDF]. (ASIS 1999).

33.    Kantor, P.B., Boros, E., Melamed, B., Neu, D.J., Menkov, V., Shi, Q., Kim, M.H. (1999). Ant World (Demonstration Abstract). Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 323. SIGIR 1999. [PDF]. (ACM 1999).

34.    Saracevic, T., & Kantor, P.B. (1998). Studying the value of library and information services in corporate environments: Progress report. In Larson, R. (Ed.). Proceedings of the 1998 Annual Meeting of American Society for Information Science, 411-425. (ASIS 1998).

35.    Kim, K., Golden, G., & Kantor, P.B. (1998). Adaptive Pricing of Information Services in Networked Environments: Simulation Models and Empirical Results. In Larson, R. (Ed.). Proceedings of the 1998 Annual Meeting of American Society for Information Science, 203-216. (ASIS 1998).

36.    Kantor, P.B., & Shim, W. (1998). Library Circulation as Interaction Between Readers and Collections:  the Square Root Law.  In Larson, R. (Ed.). Proceedings of the 1998 Annual Meeting of American Society for Information Science, 260-266. (ASIS 1998). 

37.    Shim, W., & Kantor, P.B. (1998). A Novel Economic Approach to the Evaluation of Academic Research Libraries. In Larson, R. (Ed.). Proceedings of the 1998 Annual Meeting of American Society for Information Science, 400-410. (ASIS 1998).

38.    Ng, K.B., & Kantor, P.B. (1998). An Investigation of the Conditions for Effective Data Fusion in Information Retrieval: A Pilot Study.  Proceedings of the 1998 Annual Meeting of American Society for Information Science, 167-178. (ASIS 1998).

39.    Boros, E., Kantor, P.B., Lee, J.J., Ng, K.B., & Zhao, D. (1997). Application of Logical Analysis of Data to the TREC-6 Routing Task. The Sixth Text Retrieval Conference, SP 500-240, 611-617. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, NIST Special Publication. [PDF] (TREC 1997).

40.    Ng, K.B., Loewenstern, D., Basu, C., Hirsh, H., & Kantor, P.B. (1996). Data Fusion of Machine-Learning Methods for the TREC5 Routing Task (and other work). The Fifth Text Retrieval Conference, SP 500-238, 65-74. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, NIST Special Publication. [PDF]. (TREC 1996).

41.    Basu, C., & Kantor, P. B. (1995). When just one is enough. In Finan, T. (Ed.). Proceedings of the 1995 CIKM Conference on Intelligent Agents. Baltimore MD. [PDF].

42.    Kantor, P. B. (1995). Information and Quality in the Production of Goods and Services: A Dual Relation. International Congress on the Economics of Information, 307-330. Sponsored by the Ecole National Superieure des Science de l'information et des bibliotheques. Lyons, France, May 1995.

43.    Kantor, P.B., Saracevic, T. (1995). Studying the value of library and information services: A taxonomy of user assessments. In Kinney  (Ed.). Proceedings of the 58th American Society for Information Science Annual Meeting, 32, 35-47.

44.    Ng, K.B., & Kantor, P. B. (1995). Two experiments on retrieval with corrupted data and clean queries in the TREC4 adhoc task environment: data fusion and pattern scanning. In Harman, D. (Ed.). The Fourth Text Retrieval Conference, SP 500-236, 499-508. National Institute of Science and Technology Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, NIST Special Publication. [PDF] (TREC 1995).

45.    Kantor, P.B., & Ng, K.B. (1994). Decision Level Data Fusion for Routing of Documents in the TREC3 Context: A Best Case Analysis of Worst Case Results. In Harman, D. (Ed.). The Third Text Retrieval Conference, SP 500-225, 319-332. National Institute of Science and Technology Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, NIST Special Publication. [PDF]. (TREC 1994).

46.    Kantor, P.B., Woods, W.A., Moser, H.D., & Frieder, O. (1994). An Experimental Evaluation of Task Scheduling on Reconfigurable Multicomputer Architectures. In the Proceedings of the 1994 Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems.

47.    Woods, W.A., Moser, H.D., Frieder, O., & Kantor, P.B. (1994). A Case for Reconfigurable Architectures for Information Retrieval Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 57-62. [PDF]. (CIKM 1994).

48.    McKeown, K., Millman, D., Donnelly, B., Hoover, J., McClintock, R., Scholten, W., Anastassiou, D., Chang, S-F., Crosswell, A., Dalal, M., Feiner, S., Kantor, P.B., Klavans, J., Stanfill, C., & Schwartz, M. (1994), The JANUS Digital Library. In Schnase, J.L., Leggett, J.L., Furuta, R.K., & Metcalfe, T., (Eds.). Digital Libraries '94. Hypermedia Research Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, Texas A&M University. Electronic access: 

49.    Belkin, N., Cool, C., Quatrain, R., & Kantor, P.B.  (1993). Combining Evidence for Information Retrieval. In Harman, D. (Ed.). The Second Text Retrieval Conference, SP 500-215, 35-44. National Institute of Science and Technology Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, NIST Special Publication. [PDF]. (TREC 1993).

50.    Cool, C., Belkin, N., Kantor, P. B., & Frieder, O. (1993). Characteristics of texts affecting relevance judgments. In Williams, M.E. (Ed.). Proceedings of the National Online Conference, 77-84. Medford, New Jersey: Learned Information, Inc. [PDF].

51.    Zhou, S.Y., & Kantor, P.B. (1993). Development of an adaptive network library interface: Progress report and system design issues. In Bonzi & Katzer (Eds.). Proceedings 56th Annual American Society for Information Science Meeting, 211-216.

52.    Saracevic, T., & Kantor, P.B. (1992). Two heads are better than one: the potential of data fusion concepts for improvement of online searching. In Williams, M.E. (Ed.). 13th National Online Meeting, 147-151. Medford, New Jersey: Learned Information, Inc.

53.    Kantor, P.B. (1988). National, language specific evaluation sites for retrieval systems and interfaces. In Proceedings of 1988 RIAO Conference--User-Oriented Content Based Text and Image Handling, 138-147. Boston: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

54.    Kantor, M., & Kantor, P.B. (1988). Decision making with barely any information. In Erickson, G.J., & Smith, C.R. (Eds.). Maximum-entropy and Bayesian Methods in Science and Engineering, 2 , 421-426. The Proceedings of the 5th, 6th, and 7th Workshops on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods in Applied Statistics. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

55.    Kantor, P.B., Bookstein, A., Dillon, M., & Saracevic, T. (1987). Clustering of Concepts for Optimal Retrieval. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 316. (SIGIR 1987).

56.    Saracevic, T., Kantor, P.B., Chamis, A., & Trivison, D. (1986). Effectiveness and efficiency of searching in online searches: preliminary results from a study of information seeking and retrieving. In Proceedings of the 1986 American Society for Information Science Conference, 341-349.

57.    Kantor, P.B. (1986). Application of the Maximum Entropy Principle to Retrieval from Large Data Bases. In Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Analysis and Estimation Problems, 273-8187. Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods in Applied Statistics, Laramie WY.

58.    Kantor, P.B. (1986). Scholars Cross Reference System. In Annual Research Report of OCLC, 26-27. OCLC, Dublin OH.

59.    Kantor, P.B. (1986). Information retrieval issues in the design of expert systems. In Proceedings of the 1986 American Society for Information Science Conference, 113-117.

60.    Kantor, P.B. (1986). Information retrieval in the design of expert systems. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, 109-118.

61.    Kantor, P.B. (1986). The maximum entropy principle in information retrieval. In Proceedings of the 1986 ACM-SIGIR Conference, 269-274. [PDF].

62.    Kantor, P.B. (1983). Minimal constraint implementation of the maximum entropy principle in the design of term-weighting systems. In Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science 1983 Annual Meeting, 20, 28-31.

63.    Kantor, P.B. (1982). Quality, quantity and feedback in managing information systems. In Information Interaction, the Proceedings of the 45th American Society for Information Science Annual Meeting, 366-367.

64.    Kantor, P.B. (1981). Rigorous solution of competitive advantage problems: Application to bibliometric problems. In The Information Community: an Alliance for Progress. Proceedings of the 44th Annual meeting of the American Society for Information Science, 282-284.

65.    Kantor, P.B. (1981). Econometric studies and the determination of unit costs. In Communicating Information Proceedings of the 43rd American Society for Information Science Annual Meeting,17, 343.

66.    Frohmberg, K.A., & Kantor, P.B. (1982). Case studies of automation: the main and music libraries at Oberlin College. In Information interaction: proceedings of the 45th American Society for Information Science Annual Meeting, 19, 96-99.

67.    Frohmberg, K., Moffet, W., & Kantor, P.B. (1980). Increases in book availability in a large college library. In Communicating Information, Proceedings of the 43rd Annual American Society for Information Science Meeting, 292-294.

68.    Kantor, P.B. (1978). QUBMIS: A quantitatively based management information system. In Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science, 174-176.

69.    Kantor, P.B. (1977). Contextual and quantitative aspects of the evaluation of information systems. In Proceedings of the 1977 Conference of the American Society for Information Science, (microfiche Pt 2. Fiche 4, Frame C10-14).


5.       Notes, Book Reviews, Abstracts


1.       Review of “The Geometry of Information Retrieval” by van Rijsbergen, Keith. (2007). In Information Retrieval, 10, 485-489. [PDF]. [doi: 10.1007/s10791-007-9026-8].

2.       Review of “Strategic Appraisal: The Changing Role of Information Warfare.” by Kahlilzad, Zalmay & White, John P. (Eds.). (1999). RAND. In Library Quarterly, 71 (3), 425-426. (July 2001).

3.       Review of "Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing" by Manning, Christopher & Shutze, Hinrich. In Information Retrieval, 4 (1), 80-81. (April 2001). [PDF.]. [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi:10.1023/A:1011424425034].

4.       Editorial with Stephen E. Robertson. Editorial. Information Retrieval, 1 (1-2), 5. (April 1999). [PDF.]. [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi: 10.1023/A:1009990414324].

5.       Review of “Randomness.” by Bennett, Deborah J. In Library Quarterly (1999).

6.       Review of “Measuring Information: An Information Services Perspective.” by Tague-Sutcliffe, Jean. Academic Press: New York. In Information Processing and Management, 32 (2). (1996). [PDF.]. [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: C:\KantorLabs\GENERALACTIVITIES\public_html\Final_CV_v2_files\image001.gifdoi:10.1016/S0306-4573(96)90103-X]. 

7.       Review of “Operations Research for Libraries and Information Agencies.” by Kraft and Royce. In Journal of American Society for Information Science, 45 (2), 118-119. (March 1994). [PDF.]. [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4571(199403)45:2<118::AID-ASI5>3.0.CO;2-T]. 

8.       Review of “Research for Decision Making: Methods for Librarians.” by Swisher, R. & McClure, C.R. In College & Research Libraries, 47 (1), 92-93. (January 1986).

9.       Review of “The Public Library in the 1980's: Problems of Choice.” by White. L.J., D.C. Heath Lexington Books: Lexington, Massachusetts. In Information Processing and Management, 21 (1), 77-79. (1985). [go to and search for the following doi number (may require institutional access rights) doi: 10.1016/0306-4573(85)90133-5].


6.       Conference Presentations, Lectures, Demonstrations


Kantor, P., Dalal, S., Jain, A., Nelson, C., 2014. Optimal Selection of Configurations to Test Radiation Detectors. Presented at the Informs Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

McGinity, C., Ball, P., Boros, E., Conrad, C., Hanson, K., Kantor, P., Nakamura, B., Nelson, C., Rader, T., Ricks, B., Roberts, F., 2014. ACCAM: Simulating Stochastic Effects of Maintenance and Missions on Aircraft Availability for USCG. Presented at the Informs Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Nakamura, B., Ball, P., Baron, J., Boros, E., Conrad, C., DeMarco, R., Hanson, K., Kantor, P., McGinity, C., Nelson, C., Oster, M., Rader, T., Ricks, B., Roberts, F., Wojtowicz, J., Yao, W., 2014. Optimal Boat Allocations with Sharing. Presented at the Informs Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

2008 Kantor, Paul. Optimal Scheduling of Stochastically Independent Tests. Tutorial at DIMACS/LAMSADE Workshop on Algorithmic Decision Theory and Meeting of the COST Action ICO602. October 28 - 31, 2008 University Paris Dauphine, France.

2008 Barrett, L.P., de Richemond, J., Gal, C. S., Kantor, P. B., & Smith, C. L. Assessing the Impact of IAIMS on the UMDNJ “Information Workspace”. Poster presented at Medical Library Association Annual Meeting (MLA ‘08), Chicago, Illinois. May 2008.

2008 CIKM 2008 Workshop Author “BooksOnline 2008 Setting the Roadmap for Research Advances in Large Digital Book Repositories.”

2007 Barrett, L.P., de Richemond, J., Gal, C. S., Kantor, P. B., & Smith, C. L. Assessing the Impact of IAIMS on the UMDNJ “Information Workspace”. Poster presented American Medical Informatics Association 2007 Annual Symposium, IAIMS Program and Poster Session, Chicago, Illinois. November 2007.

2007 NATO Advanced Research Workshop “Bayesian Models, Prior Knowledge, and Data Fusion for Monitoring Messages and Identifying Actors”, June 4-5, 2007.

2001 Invited Address: “Statistical Issues in Information Retrieval” at the International Statistical Institute, August 22-29, Seoul Korea.

2001 Invited Address: "Current problems in information Retrieval" Keynote address. Northrup Grumman Research Conference. MacLean, Virginia.  November 14, 2001.

2001 E. Boros, P.B. Kantor, D.J. Neu, A Clustering Based Approach to Creating Multi-Document Summaries. 2001 Sep. 13. Document Understanding Conference.

2000 Kantor PB. Information Retrieval Research -- a Survey of Issues. Invited Presentation at Syracuse University. Nov 2, 2000.     

2000 Kantor PB. American Society for Information Science.  Invited Presentation. November 2000.  On Evaluating IR System Performance.

2001 Kantor PB. Newtonian Models of Human Behavior. SCILS Research Day. Feb. 2, 2001.

2000  Fulbright Research Scholar in Norway.  Multiple presentations as follows at Oslo University College (OUC).

2000 May 18 AntWorld: A Collaborative Information Finding System (to OUC Students)

2000 May 11 Digital Libraries that Learn from their Users. (to OUC JBI Alumni program.2000).

2000 April 27 Digital Libraries and DL Research in the United States (to Students, OUC)

2000 April 27 Observation and Measurement in the Evaluation of Digital Libraries (to Students, OUC)

2000 April 13 A New Model of User Search Behavior: Theory and Observation (to OUC Faculty)

2000 April 11 User Models. Search Engines Conference, Boston MA.

2000 April 4 AntWorld: A Collaborative Information Finding System. To:  Information Sciences department of the National Technical University in Trondheim, Norway.

2000 March 23 An Early Online Books Project. Conference on Electronic Access to Information. University of Michigan. Ann Arbor.

2000 March 20,21  Information Systems and Electronic Business Knowledge. Rutgers Business School.

2000 Jan 26. Statistical Issues in Information Retrieval.  Rutgers University Department of Statistics.

2000 Jan.13 7 Myths of Information Science Association of Library and Information Sceicne Educators Annual Conference. San Antonio, Texas.

1999 Nov. 29. Electronic Business Knowledge. School of Management, New Jersey Institute of Technology.

1999 Nov. 11 Counting the Uncountable.  NEC Research Institute, Princeton, New Jersey.

1999 November (several dates) American Society for Information Science   Annual Conference. Presentation of four papers, 2,3,4,6 of Section 3

1999 June. The Role of Statistics in Information retrieval: Maximizing Disorder, Beating the Oracle and Counting the Uncountable. Keynote Address.  First Korean Conference on Statistics and Information Retrieval.  Soong Sil University, Seoul Korea.

1999 June. Rigorous Evaluation of Information retrieval Systems: A Statistical Perspective.  Statistics Department. Soong Sil University, Seoul Korea.

1998 Metrics for Digital Libraries Presentation to the  Digital Libraries Working Group.  July 1998.  Pittsburgh PA. .

1998  Digital Libraries; The AntWorld System. Series of invited lectures on Digital Libraries and Information Retrieval.  Hogskol i Oslo.  Oslo Norway.  May 1998.

1998 The Human in the Loop IEEE Conference on Advances in Digital Libraries.  Santa Barbara CA. April 1998.

1998 Evaluation of Digital Libraries. For the NSF Workshop on Toolkits for Information Retrieval Research. March.

1998  Measurement for Digital Libraries, University of Illinois.  Invited Presentation  February 1998.

1998   Evaluation of Digital Libraries.  Feb 12. 1998.Pittsburgh PA.

1998  Measurement for Digital Libraries Metrics for Digital Libraries Working Group.  Jan 1998.  Stanford CA.

1998   Kantor PB . Semantic Dimension and the Effectiveness of Linear Data Fusion Methods.. Fifth International         

conference on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics. Jan 4-6 1998. Fort Lauderdale FL

1997  Digital Information Pheromones DARPA CV/IM PIs conference.  San Diego. October 1997.

1997  Text Retrieval Conference.  November 1997. NIST

1997   Digital Libraries Conference.  Tutorial on Measurement and Observation.  July1997.  Philadelphia PA.

1996 Toward a Geometric Understanding of Vocabulary Switching. Informal presentation at the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, (May 1996) and at the University of California in Santa Barbara, (July 1996).

1996 Valuing Libraries Panel Measuring Value of Library Services. Chair: D. Penniman. Invited presentation at the National Center for Educational Statistics/National Council on Library and Information Services. Forum on Library and Information Services Policy. Alexandria VA. (May 21, 1996).

1996 A Markov Model for the Distribution of Non-Value-Added Time Paul Kantor and Willard Zangwill. Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS), (May 8, 1996) Washington DC.

1996 Towards a Theory of Continuous Improvement Willard Zangwill and Paul Kantor. Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS), (May 8, 1996) Washington DC.

1996 Information Commerce In panel The national information infrastructure: policy, politics and economics Chair: M. Mueller. Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS), (May 7,1996) Washington DC. 

1995 Analysis of Data Fusion in Information Retrieval of Corrupted Data Kwong Bor Ng and Paul B. Kantor. Poster presentation at the Fourth Text Retrieval Conference. (Nov. 1, 1995).

1995 Studying the value of library and information services: A taxonomy of user assessments Paul B. Kantor and Tefko Saracevic. Presentation at the 58th Annual meeting of the American Society for Information Science. (Oct. 9, 1995).

1995 What Differences are Significant: Statistical Evaluation Information Retrieval Tests Tutorial presented at the ACM SIGIR Conference in Seattle Washington (July 9, 1995). J. Tague-Sutcliffe, Paul Kantor and James Blustein.

1995 Data Fusion in Information Retrieval. Tutorial presented at the ACM SIGIR Conference in Seattle Washington (July 9, 1995).

1995 Adaptive Network Library Interfaces: A New Ontology for Information Retrieval Presentation for the Library Information and Technology Association of the American Library Association. (Jun. 27. 1995).

1995 Competitiveness Issues. Session Chair. Institute for Operations Research and Management Science. Washington DC. (May 8, 1995).

1995 Data Fusion and Logical Analysis of Data for Information Retrieval Presentation at the Rutgers Center for Operations Research. (Apr. 10, 1995).

1995 Remarks on Evaluation of Digital Libraries Brief presentation at the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, for a meeting of directors of electronic and digital library projects sponsored by the foundation. (Mar. 2, 1995).

1995 Cost and Beneficial Impacts of Library and Information Services Presentation at the Graduate Library School, University of Western Ontario. (Jan. 12, 1995). 

1994 A Geometric Approach to Document Fusion in Information Retrieval. Invited Presentation at the American Society for Information Science   Annual Meeting, Fall 1994.

1994 Experiments in Anonymous Collaboration. Invited Presentation at the American Society for Information Science   Annual Meeting, Fall 1994.

1994 An Ontology and Architecture for Scientific MetaData Presentation at the High Performance Computing in Design Seminar, Rutgers University. Fall 1994.

1994 Data Fusion in Information Retrieval Presentation at the Central Intelligence Agency. (Oct. 20, 1994).

1994 Data Fusion in Information Retrieval. Tutorial presented at the ACM SIGIR Conference in Dublin Ireland (July 1994).

1994 What Bang for the Buck: Costs and Beneficial Impact of Library Operations at SCILS 31st Alumni-Faculty Symposium. April 15, 1994.

1994 Adaptive Library Interfaces. Presentation to the Technical Services Education Special Interest Group of the Association of Library and Information Science Education. Feb 3, 1994. Chairs: L. Silipigni and K. Burnett. 

1993 Research Opportunities in Digital Libraries. Presented at the University of Michigan, School of Information and Library Studies. September 30, 1993.

1993 Data Fusion in Information Retrieval. Presented at Cornell University, Department of Computer Science. October 19, 1993.

1993 Vector Models for Data Fusion in Information Retrieval. Presented at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Department of Computer Science. November 16, 1993.

1993 Reverse Engineering the Patriot Missile System from Publicly Available Data. Presented at SAIC, Division of Ballistic Missile Countermeasures, Roslyn VA. November 12, 1993

1993 The Episodic Nature of Continuous Improvement. Presented at Operations Research Society of North America (ORSA). November 1, 1993

1993 Combining Evidence for Information Retrieval at the 2nd TREC Conference. August 30, 1993. (with N. Belkin).

1993 Towards a Theory of Continuous Improvement. Presented to the IDA Cost Analysis and Research Division, Washington DC. Sept 3, 1993. 

1992 Economic Aspects of a National Engineering Information Network Engineering Foundation Conference, June 1992, Palm Coast FL.

1992 Two Heads are Better Than One: Data Fusion in Information Retrieval. Presented at the National Online Conference, New York NY, May 7, 1992.

1992 A Natural Hierarchy of Learning Curves. Presented at the Operations Research Society of North America (ORSA). November 3, 1992. 

1990 Distributed Sensor Systems: the Two-Fold Case. Division of Systems Engineering. Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH, April l7, 1990. 

1990 Costs and Cost Benefits of Distributed Cataloging to Library of Congress Standards. The Library of Congress, Washington DC, April 16, 1990. 

1990 Patterns in Seeking and Retrieving Information. Navesink User Centered Forum, Bellcore, Piscataway NJ, February 6, 1990. (T. Saracevic and P. Kantor).

From 1984 through 1989

Optimizing Imperfect Sensors. Real Time Determination of the Receiver Operating Characteristic. Briefing for the Chief of the Sensors Program, Space Systems Division, US Air Force, Los Angeles CA, November 7, 1989.

Optimizing Distributed Sensors. Operations Research Society of America-The Institute for Management Science, New York NY, October 19, 1989.

Theory of the Learning Rate Budget. Operations Research Society of America-The Institute for Management Science, New York NY, October 17, 1989. (W. Zangwill and P. Kantor).

Optimal Tuning of Imperfect Sensors and the Effect of MidBattle Corrections. Invited presentation at DAS V, the joint symposium of the US Dept of Defense and the Republic of Korea Ministry of Defense. Sponsored by the Under-Secretary of the Army for Operations Research. Korean Institute for Defense Analyses. Seoul, Korea. [Refereed Proceedings.] September 22, 1989.

Implementing The Learning Rate Budget. Institute for Cost Analysis-National Estimating Society Joint Conference, Washington DC, July 6, 1989.

Imperfect Sensors. Briefing for the Staff of the System Engineer, Phase One Engineering Team, SDIO, Arlington VA, May 5, 1989.

The Learning Rate Budget. The Weatherhead School of Management. Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH, April 28, 1989.

Information Sciences. Rutgers the State University. New Brunswick NJ, February 14, 1989.

Effect of MidBattle Correction on A Strategic Defense System with Imperfect Detectors. Briefing for the Chief of Battle Management Systems, SDIO, The Pentagon, Washington DC, February 10, 1989.

Effect of MidBattle Correction on A Strategic Defense System with Imperfect Detectors. Briefing for the Chief Scientist of the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (SDIO), The Pentagon, Washington DC, December 9, 1988.

Assessing the Costs. Invited Presentation, National Library of Medicine Conference on MedLine on CD-ROM, Bethesda MD, September 23, 1988.

The Cost Progress Curve. Operations Research Society of America-The Institute for Management Science, St. Louis MO, April 28, 1988.

National Language Specific Sites for the Evaluation of Retrieval Systems. First International RIAO Conference, Boston MA, March 21, 1988.

Performance Measurement for Reference Services. Case Western Reserve University Library, Cleveland OH, March 11, 1988.

Library Performance Measurement. Presentation to the Graduate Seminar at the University of Illinois Graduate School of Library Studies, Champaign IL, February 18 - 19, 1988.

Why Measure Performance? Association of College and Research Libraries, College and University Library Statistics Section, San Antonio TX, January 8, 1988.

A Unifying Model for the Cost Progress Phenomenon. Operations Research Society of America-The Institute for Management Science, St. Louis MO, October 28, 1987.

Conceptual Clustering and De-clustering. Invited participant, Conference on Clustering, chaired by M. Kochen and Supported by the National Science Foundation, Philadelphia PA, September 12, 1987.

Objective Probabilities and Likeliness Ratios. Seventh International Workshop on Bayesian Methods and the Maximum Entropy Principle, Seattle WA, August 6, 1987.

Frontiers in Information Science. Keynote Address, American Society for Information Science Research Mini-Forum, University of Western Ontario, Waterloo, Ontario, May 5, 1987.

A Study of the Maximum Entropy Principle in the Case of Inconsistent Expert Judgments. Presented at the May 3-5 1987 meeting of ORSA-TIMS, New York NY. (J. J. Lee and P. B. Kantor).

Distributed Intelligence and Anonymous Reference Sharing: a New Tool for Scholars. Online Center for Library Computing, Dublin OH, May 1, 1987.

Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back.: The Problem of Performance Standards for Academic and Research Libraries. University of Indiana Libraries, Bloomington IN, April 2, 1987.

Multi-Expert Expert Systems. The First International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, Knoxville TN, October 23, 1986.

Information Retrieval and Artificial Intelligence: Who Is Helping Whom? American Society for Information Science, Chicago IL, September 29, 1986.

The Maximum Entropy Principle in Information Retrieval. Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval, Pisa, Italy, September 1986.

The Production Learning Curve: A Unifying Model. Operations Research Group at AT&T Bell Labs, Holmdel NJ, August 18, 1986.

Is Hilbert Space Too Large? VIth Annual Workshop on Bayesian Inference and the Maximum Entropy Principle, Seattle WA, August 7, 1986.

The ARL Experience: Precursor to Standards? Preconference on Cost Studies sponsored by the Reference and Technical Services Division of the ALA, New York NY, 1986.

Seminar on Economic Problems of Academic Libraries for Library Directors and University Administrators at the Level of Academic Vice-President. Seminar Leader. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston MA, (with M. Cummings) June 6, 1985.

Seminar on Economic Problems of Academic Libraries for Library Directors and University Administrators at the Level of Academic Vice-President. Seminar Leader. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill NC, (with M. Cummings) May 28, 1985.

Library Cost Measurement. American Library Association Pre- Conference on Technical Services, New York NY, May 27, 1986.

Seminar on Economic Problems of Academic Libraries for Library Directors and University Administrators at the Level of Academic Vice-President. Seminar Leader. University of Illinois, Champaign IL, (with M. Cummings) May 7, 1985.

Multi-Expert Expert Systems. University of Minnesota School of Business Management Information Systems Program, Minneapolis MN, May 2, 1986.

Library Performance and Costs of Quality. Association of Research Libraries, Minneapolis MN, May 1, 1986.

Seminar on Economic Problems of Academic Libraries for Library Directors and University Administrators at the Level of Academic Vice-President. Seminar Leader. Emory University, Atlanta GA, (with M. Cummings) March 30, 1985.

Seminar on Economic Problems of Academic Libraries for Library Directors and University Administrators at the Level of Academic Vice-President. Seminar Leader. University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley CA, (with M. Cummings) April 29, 1985.

Seminar on Economic Problems of Academic Libraries for Library Directors and University Administrators at the Level of Academic Vice-President. Seminar Leader. University of Texas at Austin, Austin TX, (with M. Cummings) April 11, 1985.

Seminar on Economic Problems of Academic Libraries for Library Directors and University Administrators at the Level of Academic Vice-President. Seminar Leader. Florida State University, Tallahassee FL, (with M. Cummings) January 30, 1985.

Objective Performance Measurement in Libraries, and the Determination of Costs in Technical Services. Northwestern University, Evanston IL, Summer 1984.

Objective Performance Measurement in Libraries, and the Determination of Costs in Technical Services. Emory University, Summer 1984.

Objective Performance Measurement in Libraries, and the Determination of Costs in Technical Services. University of Georgia, Summer 1984.

Objective Performance Measurement in Libraries, and the Determination of Costs in Technical Services. New York University, Summer 1984.

Objective Performance Measurement in Libraries, and the Determination of Costs in Technical Services. Vanderbilt University, Summer 1984.

Workshop on Unit Cost. Kentucky Special Libraries Association, May ll-12, 1984.

Cost Function for Academic Libraries. Invited Presentation for Directors of Major Research Libraries, Colorado Springs CO, April 27, 1984.

Cost and Usage of Medical Libraries. Keynote speech, Southeastern Conference of Hospital Librarians Annual Meeting, Atlanta GA, April 4, 1984.

The Relations Between Costs and Services in Academic Libraries. Fifth International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Academic and Research Libraries, Boulder CO, March 4, 1984.

The Role of Mathematics in Information Science. Northwestern University Library, Evanston IL, Winter 1984.

Selected Talks before 1984

Objective Performance Measures for Academic Libraries Presented at the University of North Carolina Library School.

Objective Performance Measures for Academic Libraries Presented at the University of Illinois at Chicago Library.

Objective Performance Measures for Academic Libraries Presented at the Northwestern University Library.

Objective Performance Measures for Academic Libraries Presented at the University of Chicago Library School.

Objective Performance Measures for Academic Libraries Presented at the University of California at San Diego.

The Role of Mathematics in Information Science. University of North Carolina Library School, Chapel Hill NC, Fall 1983.

A New Technique for a Class of Non-canonical Multiple Criterion Decision Problems with Application to Library Management. University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, June 1983.

Costs and Usages of Health Sciences Libraries in the US. Medical Libraries Association, Houston TX, November 1982. Invited paper (with A.M. Rees.)

Cost and Productivity in Library Operations. Panel Session on Library and Information Center Operations: Staff Productivity and Fiscal Aspects; 46th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Washington DC, October 6, 1983.

Assessing the Impact: An Economic Model. Panel Session on Enhancing Productivity in Libraries: The Application of New Technologies, 46th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Washington DC, October 4, 1983.

Minimal Constraint Implementation of the Maximum Entropy Principle in the Design of Term-Weighting Systems. Panel Session on Optimizing Online Search Strategy, 46th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Washington DC, October 3, 1983.

Cost Function for Academic Libraries. Poster Session. 102nd Annual American Library Association Conference, New York NY, June 27, 1983.

The Relation Between Costs and Services at Academic Libraries. Library Research Round Table, 102nd Annual American Library Association Conference, New York NY, June 26, 1983.

Application of the Maximum Entropy Principle to Information Retrieval from Very Large Data Bases. 3rd International Workshop on Bayesian and Maximum Entropy Methods, Laramie WY, June 1983.

Objective Performance Measures. Special presentation to directors of Association of Research Libraries (ARL) who constitute the Statistics Committee of the ARL. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia PA, February 22, 1982.

LORCOST Phase II. Presented at the November 1978 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, New York NY, 1978. (Poster Presentation).

LORCOST Phase I. Proceedings of the May 1978 Midyear Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Houston TX, May 1978, p14.

Availability Analysis. Invited paper American Association of Library Schools, Washington DC, January 28, 1977.


7.       Works Accepted or In Press



8.       Other


a.             Software

FUNCOST. A spreadsheet package for the functional analysis of library costs with manual of operations (80pp). Available in three versions, for special, academic and public libraries. Tantalus, Inc., 1986. Excel version issued 1996. 


b.             Technical Reports (Note: TR number represents year of release)


1.       File, Charles., Teodoro, Rannie., Naaman, Mor., & Kantor, Paul B. (2012). Alerts and Warnings in Social Media: A Simulation Experiment. LAIR/TR-03/2012.

2.       Goldberg, N., Word, J., Boros, E. & Kantor, P. Optimal Sequential Inspection Strategies. RUTCOR RRR-14-2008.

3.       Smith, C.L., & Kantor, P.B. User Adaptation: Good Results from Poor Systems. LAIR/TR-2008-01.

4.       Kantor, P.B. & Gal, C. S. Final Report on a Survey of Student Users of the UMDNJ Information Workspace Conducted October 2007. LAIR/TR-2007-02.

5.       Kantor, P. B. & Gal, C. S. Final Report on a Survey of Users of the UMDNJ Information Workspace Conducted April-May 2007. LAIR/TR-2007-01.

6.       Kantor, P.B. & Boros, E. Deceptive Detection methods for Optimal Security with Inadequate Budgets: The Screening Power Index. RUTCOR Research Report 26-2007.

7.       Boros, E., Fedzhora, P.B., Kantor, P.B., Saeger, K., & Stroud, P. Large Scale LP Model for Finding Optimal Container Inspection Strategies. RUTCOR Research Report 26-2006.

8.       Anghelescu, Andrei., Dayanik, Aynur., Fradkin, Dmitriy., Genkin, Alex., Kantor, Paul., Lewis, David., Madigan, David., Muchnik, Ilya., & Roberts, Fred. Simulated Entity Resolution by Diverse Means: DIMACS Work on the KDD Challenge of 2005. DIMACS Technical Report 2005-42.

9.       Morse, Emily L., Scholtz, Jean., Kantor, Paul., Kelly, Diane., & Sun, Ying., ARDA Challenge Workshop 2004 An Investigation of Evaluation Metrics for Analytic Question Answering.,  Appendix [PDF].

10.    Kantor, P.B. et al., APLab PR01/01. Dynamic Brain Imaging Archives.  (a proposal to the National Science Foundation ITR program).

11.    Kantor, P. B. APLab TR01/02  Statistical Issues in Information Retrieval.

12.    Kantor, P.B. LANL Physics Preprint: quant-ph/0007054. Quantum Message Disruption: A Two-State Model.

13.    Kantor, P.B., Boros, E., Menkov, V., Shapira, B. Capturing Human Intelligence in the Net. APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-00/2.

14.    Ibraev, U., Ng., K.B., Kantor, P.B.  Exploration of a Geometric Model of Data Fusion. APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-00/1.

15.    Kantor, P.B., Boros, E., Menkov, V., Shapira, B.  Capturing Human Intelligence in the Net. APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-00/2.

16.    Ibraev, U., Ng., K.B., Kantor, P.B.  Exploration of a Geometric Model of Data Fusion. APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-00/1.

17.    Kantor, P.B, Lee, J.J.,  Ng, K.B., Kim, M.H.. Some Statistical Issues in Information Retrieval. APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-99/8.

18.    Kantor, P.B., Saracevic, T.  Quantitative Study of the Value of Research Libraries: A Foundation for the Evaluation of Digital Libraries.APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-99/7.

19.    Shim, W., Kantor, P.B..Evaluation of digital libraries:  A DEA approach. APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-99/6.

20.    Boros, E., Kantor, P.B., Neu, D.J.  .Pheromonic Representation of User Quests by Digital Structures. APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-99/5.

21.    Kantor, P.B., Kim, M.H., Ibraev, U., Atasoy, K. Estimating the Number of Relevant Documents in Enormous APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-99/4 Collections.

22.    Kantor, P.B., Nordlie, R.  .Models of the Behavior of People Searching the Internet:  A Petri Net Approach. APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-99/3.

22.  Kantor, P.B.,  Boros, E., Melamed, B., Menkov, V. The Information Quest:  A Dynamic Model of User’s Information Needs. APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-99/2.

23.  Kantor, P.B., Voorhees, E.  The TREC-5 Confusion Track:  Comparing Retrieval methods for Scanned Text. APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-99/1.

24.  Kantor, P.B., Kennedy, L.  The Digitalization Process:  Report on Focus Group Interviews of Librarians and Non- APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-98/9   Professional Staff of the New York University Libraries.

25.  Kantor, P.B., Saracevic, T.   Valuing Special Libraries and Information Services (Report of a Project for the SLA, based on a presentation at Indianapolis, IN on 6/8/98).APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-98/8.

26.  Saracevic, T., Kantor, P.B.  Studying the value of library and information services in  corporate environments:  Progress Report APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-98/7.

27.  Kantor, P.B., Kim, K.  Variable Pricing of Information Resources in the Networked   Environment. APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-98/6.

28.  Ng, K.B., Kantor, P.B.  An Investigation of the Conditions for Effective Data Fusion in Information Retrieval:  A Pilot APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-98/5 Study.

29.  Shim, W., Kantor, P.B.  A Novel Economic Approach to the Evaluation of Academic Research Libraries. APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-98/4.

30.  Kantor, P.B., Shim, W.  Library Circulation as Interaction Between Readers and Collections:  The Square Root Law. APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-98/3.

31.  Kantor, P.B., Kim, K., Golden, G. Variable Pricing of Information Resources in the Networked Environment. APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-98/2.

32.  Shim, W., Kantor, P.B.   A Novel Approach to the Evaluation of Libraries. APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-98/1

33.  Kantor, P.B., Lee, J.J.   Testing the Maximum Entropy Principle for Information  Retrieval. APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-97/3.

34.  Saracevic, T., Kantor, P.B. Studying the Value of Library and Information Services:  Methodology and Taxonomy. APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-97/2.

35.  Saracevic, T. & Kantor, P.B.  Studying the Value of Library and Information Services:  Establishing a Theoretical APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-97/1 Framework.

36.  Abels, E., Kantor, P.B., Saracevic T. (1996) Studying the Cost and Value of Library and Information Services. APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-96/1. 

37.  Zangwill, E., Kantor, P.B.   Toward a Theory of Continuous Improvement. APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-95/6.

38.  Kantor, P.B.  Tutorial on Data fusion in Information Retrieval (ACM-SIGIR). APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-95/4.

39.  Kantor, P.B. (1995)   Of time and the library: New approaches to assessing the impact of the library on individuals and institutions. APLab Technical Report APLab/TR-95/3

40.  Huttenlock TL, Dawson PH, Saracevic T, Kantor PB. (1995) Derived Taxonomy of Value in Using Library and Information Services: A manual for encoding of responses. APLab Technical Report. APLAB/95-5. SCILS, Rutgers. Available in electronic form at

41.  Kantor PB, Saracevic T. (1995) Studying the Cost and Value of Library Services Final Technical Report, Part 1: Models, Methods, Results. APLab/94-3/1, 82pp.

42.  D'Esposito-Wachtmann J, Kantor PB, Saracevic T. (1994) Cost and Beneficial Impacts of Library Services, Part 2: Detailed History of Project Management and Processes. APLab/94-3/2, 53pp.

43.  D'Esposito-Wachtmann J, Kantor PB, Saracevic T. (1994) Studying the Cost and Value of Library Services, Part 3: A Manual for Replication of These Studies. APLab/94-3/3, 21pp.

44.  Economic Aspects of the NCCP Pilot Project. Tantalus Technical Report TANTALUS/CT-90/1, 1990. 20pp.

45.  A Survey of Copy Cataloging Practices at ARL Libraries. Tantalus Technical Report TANTALUS/CT-89/1, 1989. (P. Kantor, M. Cherikh and S. Rich). 11pp + Appendices and Tables.

46.  Measurement of Interlibrary Loan: A Testing of Data Collection Approaches. Technical Report of the Center for Library Research, University of Illinois, Champaign IL. August 1989. (P. Dalrymple, B. Allen, T. Cole, K. Sherlock. Project Consultant: Paul Kantor). 29pp + approx. 50 pp of exhibits.

47.  The Learning Rate Budget. Tantalus Technical Report, TANTALUS/RD-89/1, 1989. (P. Kantor and W. Zangwill). 40pp. 

48.  On the Effect of MidBattle Correction on Optimal Tuning of Detection Systems. Tantalus Research Report TANTALUS/CT-88/4, 1988. 30pp + appendices.

49.  Sensor Calculus. Tantalus Research Report TANTALUS/CT-88/3, 1988. (P. Kantor, R. Blankenbecler and M. Cherikh). 68pp + appendices.

50.  Optimal Tuning of Imperfect Detectors in SDIO. Tantalus Research Report TANTALUS/CT-88/2, 1988. 48pp + appendices and tables.

51.  Distributed Detector Systems as a Problem in Optimization with Non-Linear Constraints. Stanford Linear Accelerator SLAC-PUB-4510, December 1987. (R. Blankenbecler and P.Kantor). 13pp.

52.  Marketing, Users Surveys and the Library in Transition. Tantalus Technical Report TANTALUS/CT-87/2, March 6, 1987. (H. Morton and P. Kantor). 11pp + appendices and tables.

53.  Decision Theory, Objective Probability and the Problems of Defeating or Degrading a Strategic Defense System. P.B. Kantor, Technical Report PBK/CT-87/1, March 6, 1987. 42pp + figures and tables.

54.  Application of the Maximum Entropy Principle to Retrieval from VLDB. Tantalus Technical Report TANTALUS/GT-86/1,. (P. B. Kantor and J. J. Lee). 75pp.

55.  Remarks Prepared for the Association of Research Libraries. Presented May 1, 1986. Tantalus, Inc. Research Report. Unnumbered. 9pp.

56.  Implications of Formula Budgeting for the Growth of Library Services. Tantalus Technical Report TANTALUS/CT-85/3, August 30, 1985. 23pp + tables.

57.  Output Measures and Public Library Standards: A Multidimensional Problem. Tantalus Technical Report TANTALUS/PR-85/3, July 1, 1985. 14pp.

58.  Three Studies of Cost and Services at Academic Libraries. Tantalus Technical Report TANTALUS/PR-85/1, 1985. 108pp.

59.  Remarks on the Economics of Academic Libraries. Tantalus Technical Report TANTALUS/PR-85/2, May 24, 1985. 15pp.

60.  Library Performance Measures. Tantalus Report (Unnumbered). Presentation taped November 1983 at University of North Carolina, transcribed March 8, 1985. 15pp.

61.  The Role of Mathematics in Information Science. Tantalus Report (Unnumbered). Presentation taped November 1983 at University of North Carolina, transcribed March 8, 1985. 14pp.

62.  Cost and Usage of Medical Libraries II: Principal Findings and Patterns of Burden. Tantalus Technical Report TANTALUS/CT-84/02, 1984. 20pp.

63.  The Relation Between Consortia, On-Line Services and the Cost of Processing Monographs at Eight University Libraries. Council on Library Resources, Washington DC, Nov 6, 1984. Rev 12/11/84. 51pp + appendices.

64.  Cost and Usage of Medical Libraries I: Economic Aspects. Tantalus Technical Report TANTALUS/CT-84/01, 1984. 28pp.

65.  An Average Expenditure Formula for Academic Libraries. The Final Report of the CFAL Project: Volume I. Tantalus Technical Report TANTALUS/GT-84/1/1, 1984. (P. B. Kantor with J.B. Wood, P. Shusang, J. J. Lee, and M. Bush). 105pp. 

66.  Details of Contact with Libraries. The Final Report of the CFAL Project: Volume II. Tantalus Technical Report TANTALUS/GT-84/1/2, 1984. (P. B. Kantor with J. B. Wood and M. Bush). 47pp.

67.  Three Reports on the Maximum Entropy Principle. The Final Report of the CFAL Project: Volume III. Tantalus Technical Report TANTALUS/GT-84/1/3, 1984. 23pp.

68.  Special Report on the Tantalus, Inc. Study of the Cost Function for Academic Libraries, prepared for use only by the directors of the participating ARL Libraries. Tantalus, Inc. Technical Report (Unnumbered), May 1, 1984. 12pp.

69.  Cost and Productivity in Library Operations. In Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science 1983 Annual Meeting V20, pp297-300, 1983.

70.  Levels of Output Related to Cost of Operation of Scientific and Technical Libraries: The Final Report of the LORCOST Project. Case-Western Reserve University, Division of Systems Engineering. 150 pp + figures and tables, 1980. [Available as NTIS reports PB81-124703, PB81-124711 and PB81-124729.]

71.  Assessment of the Impact of a Computerized Circulation System in a Large College Library. Technical Report: Analysis of Objective Data on Library Service, and Attitudinal Data Gathered by Survey. Tantalus, Inc. Technical Report (Unnumbered), October 25, 1980. 44pp + appendices and tables.

72.  Non-Resident User Survey for the King County Public Library System and the Seattle Public Library. Ringgold Management Systems, Beaverton OR, 1979. (R.M. Shoffner and P. B. Kantor). 77pp.

73.  A Non-hierarchical Multi Stratum Multi Goal Model of the University. In Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science   37th Annual Meeting, V11pp268-71, 1974.

74.  A Decision Tool for Regional Water Pollution Control. Systems Research Center Technical Report #75-5. Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH, 1976. Unpaged.




a.      Academic Administration


2005-2010, Member, Rutgers University Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects.

2002-2005 Director, Ph.D. Program in Communication, Information and Library Studies, Rutgers University.


b.      Graduate Independent Studies Supervised


1998. Ulukbek Ibraev (MLS, Rutgers University). Estimating the number of relevant documents in large collections.

1998. Koray Atasoy (MA in Mathematics; Rutgers University). Rigorous investigation of some issues in vector models of Information Retrieval, and estimation of Precision and Recall.

1997. Soo Young Rieh and Kwong Bor Ng.  Classification of Document Genre by analysis of the frequency of punctuation characters alone.

1995. Hareem Noor and So Yeong Park. (Students in the Ph.D. program at SCILS). Independent study in the Evaluation of Library and Information Systems.

1995. Chumki Basu, (Ph.D. student. Department of Computer Science). Independent studies in the application of clustering and other organizational techniques to information retrieval.

1993. Gregory Crawford. Study of the Application of Conjoint Analysis to the Evaluation of Reference Services. [Results published by Dr. Crawford in College and Research Libraries].

1992. Hur-Li Lee. Stochastic Analysis of the Problem of Remote Storage of Library Materials. [Results published by Ms. Lee in Library Hi-Tech].


c.       Other Supervision of Advanced Students


During work at Tantalus, Inc., Dr. Kantor supervised a number of doctoral candidates who were at the time enrolled in programs at Case-Western Reserve University. They include:


1990. Ms. Xiaomei Xu. Dr. Xu has completed the graduate program in Operations Research at Case Western Reserve University, worked in an industrial position in China, and now works in Finance in the New York area.

1987 - 1988. H. Altay Guvenir. Department of Computer and Information Science, Case Western Reserve University. Dr. Guvenir is now employed in Turkey at a regional university.

1983 - 1985. Jung Jin Lee. Department of Operations Research, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University. Professor Lee is now Chair of the Department of Statistics in Soong Sil University, Seoul, Korea.

1981 - 1983. Judith B. Wood. School of Library and Information Science, Case Western Reserve University. Professor Wood worked for several years at the School of Library Studies at University of North Carolina.

1982 - 1983. Prasert Shusang. Department of Operations Research, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University. Dr. Shusang is now Managing Director of Loxley Pacific Co. Ltd in Bangkok, Thailand.



d.      Doctoral Dissertations Supervised


1.     2010. Adaptive Search Behavior: A Response to Query Failure. Catherine L. Smith, Ph.D., Department of Library and Information Science, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Dr. Smith is Assistant Professor of Information Science at Kent State University.

2.     2007. Feature Extraction and Matching in Content-based Retrieval of Functional Magnetic Resonance Images. Bing Bai, Ph.D., Department of Computer Science, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Dr. Bai is a Research Scientist at NEC.

3.     2007. Automatic Discrimination of Genres: The Role Of Adjectives and Adverbs As Suggested By Linguistics and Psychology. Robert Rittman, Ph.D., Department of Library and Information Science, School of Communication, Information & Library Studies, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.

4.     2005. Automatic Assessment of Non-Topical Properties of Text by Machine Learning Methods. Ying Sun, Ph.D., School of Communication, Information & Library Studies, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Dr. Sun is Senior Data Mining Engineer at RelevantNoise Inc.

5.     2005. Imposing Graph Structures on Space-Time Densities for Indexing and Retrieval. Ulukbek Ibraev, Ph.D., School of Communication, Information & Library Studies, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.

6.     2000. Use-based virtual reorganization of a library collection - an Empirical Study. Shu-yuan Zhao, Ph.D., Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.  Dr. Zhao is with the Ford Foundation.

7.     1999. A Novel Approach to the Evaluation of Research Libraries in the U.S. Wonsik Shim, Ph.D., Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Prof. Shim is Professor in the Department of Library and Information Science at Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea.

8.     1998. Optimal Selection of Schemes for Information Retrieval Data Fusion, Kwong-Bor Ng, Ph.D., Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.  Prof. Ng is at Queens College of the City University of New York.

9.     1989. Optimal Decision and Detection in the Decentralized Case. Moula Cherikh, Ph.D., Department of Operations Research, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University. Dr. Cherikh became Assistant Professor of Mathematics at University of Virginia in Norfolk.

10.  1971. Two Problems of the 3 Pi Decays of the Zeta Meson. Keith A. Taggart, Ph.D., Physics Department, Case-Western Reserve University.     


e.       Post-Doctoral Trainees


1.       Dr. Sam Brody, 2011

2.       Dr. Paul Raff, 2009-2010.

3.       Dr. Bracha Shapira, 2000.

4.       Dr. Vladimir Menkov, 1998-2000.

5.       Dr. Myung Ho Kim, January – October 1999.



f.       Doctoral Dissertation Committee


1.       Brian Thompson, Computer Science, 2013

2.       David Neu, Operations Research, 2013

3.       Noam Goldberg, Operations Research, 2010

4.       Dmitriy Fradkin, Computer Science, 2006




a.      Founding Editor-in-Chief


Information Retrieval (Kluwer Academic Publishers) 1998-2005, with S.E. Robertson.


b.      Member of the Editorial Board


Security Informatics Journal (2011-Present)

Member of the Chief Editorial Committee -- DIMACS Book Series: Published by the American Mathematical Society (2008)

Information Retrieval (1998-Present);

Information Processing and Management (1995-Present);

Journal of the American Society for Information Science (JASIS) (1993-Present).


c.       Reviewer for:


National Science Foundation, Division of Information and Intelligent Systems;

National Science Foundation, Division of Information, Robotics and Intelligent Systems;

National Science Foundation, Division of Decision, Risk and Management Science;

First Newark Conference on Digital Libraries;

ACM SIGIR Program Committee 1996.


d.      Reviewer for Journals:


Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery;

Journal of the British Computer Society;

Omega: The International Journal of Management Science;

Management Science;

Information Processing and Management;

The Journal of Higher Education;

Journal of Intelligent Information Systems;

Journal of the American Society for Information Science;

Proceedings of Annual Meetings of the American Society for Information Science;

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics.    


e.       Member


American Society for Information Science, (ASIST);

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, IEEE. Information Theory Section (Senior Member);

Association for Computing Machinery, ACM, Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval;

American Statistical Association;

American Physical Society; New York Academy of Sciences;

American Association for the Advancement of Science (Fellow). 


f.       Other Professional Activities


Program Committee: Workshop on Redundancy, Diversity and Interdependent Document Relevance., SIGIR 2009

Program Committee: AAAI Spring Symposium on Technosocial Predictive Analytics, AAAI-TPA 2009

Program Committee: BooksOnline Workshop, Setting the Roadmap for Research Advances in Large Digital Book Repositories CIKM 2008

Program Committee: 2nd Workshop on Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data AND 2008

Program Committee: European Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics EuroISI 2008

Program Committee: The Third International ICST Conference on Scalable Information Systems Infoscale 2008

Program Committee: ACM Sixteenth Conference on Information and Knowledge Management CIKM 2007

Member of Organizing Committee: CCR/DIMACS Workshop/Tutorial on Mining Massive Data Sets and Streams: Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Homeland Defense, Center for Communications Research (CCR), Princeton, NJ. June 17-22, 2002.

Coordinator: The Retrieval of Corrupted Data Track, Text Retrieval Conference TREC5. (1996).

ACM SIGIR Program Committee 1996, 1997.

Coordinator: The Retrieval of Corrupted Data Track, Text Retrieval Conference TREC5. (1995).

Consultant to study of the role of information in economic development in Canada. Project Director J Tague-Sutcliffe, University of Western Ontario.

Moderator, Rutgers SCILS 31st Annual Symposium of the Graduate Alumni and Faculty. (The Economics of Information in the 1990s). April 15 1994.

Organizer: Rutgers Brown Bag Series on Digital Libraries. Spring 1994.

Program Committee, Rutgers Conference on Digital Libraries, Newark NJ. May 19-20, 1994.

Chair, ad hoc panel to reverse engineer the Patriot missile system from publicly available information, for the Ballistic Missile Defense Countermeasures group at SAIC. Completed 11/12/93.

Member, Council on Library Resources Advisory Committee on Economic Issues. (1991-1993).

Member, Charter Drafting Committee for the National Engineering Information System. (1992-1993).

Member, System Planning Corporation team bidding on the SDIO Counter Measures Office contract for System Engineering and Technical Analyses (Fall 1990).

Consultant to the Provost of the University of Chicago. Regarding the future and/or reorganization of the Graduate Library School, (Fall 1987).

Consultant to the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization Countermeasures Office, through contract with the Systems Planning Corporation, on optimal structure of detection systems, battle management and related problems, (1986 - 1991).

Member of and consultant to the Bibliographic Services Study Committee, established by the Council on Library Resources to map the future of electronic access to scholarly materials in research libraries (1988-1990).

Participant in the Department of Education Task Force on Centers for Excellence, October 31, 1988.