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Clairvoyance Management Team

The Clairvoyance Corporation management team is made up of a dynamic group of innovators, leaders and technology entrepreneurs from the scientific and business arenas:

Dr. David A. EvansDr. David A. Evans, President, CEO, and Chief Scientist

Dr. David A. Evans co-founded Clairvoyance Corporation in September 1992. Between 1992 and August 1996, he served as the company's chairman and chief scientist, and led the product development and marketing efforts of the company. He joined the Clairvoyance staff full-time as its president, CEO and chief scientist in 1996.

Dr. Evans is responsible for formulating Clairvoyance's corporate strategy, business relations, and new technology and product directions. He is also the director of Clairvoyance research activities and takes the lead in the development of new intellectual property.

Dr. Evans received his Ph.D. in Computational Linguistics from Stanford University in 1982. He joined the faculty of Carnegie Mellon University in 1983, where he established the Computational Linguistics Program (in 1985) and the Laboratory for Computational Linguistics (in 1986), both of which he directed until 1996. As a professor with appointments in the Departments of Philosophy and Computer Science, he brought an interdisciplinary perspective to his work in natural-language processing and information science. In particular, his development of the CLARIT system, beginning in 1988, realized a fusion of ideas from artificial intelligence, NLP and mathematics. The resulting CLARIT technology addressed the problem of using language analysis to support such diverse functions as automatic text indexing, retrieval, filtering, categorization, summarization, extraction, and clustering -- all with a single core process.

At Clairvoyance, Dr. Evans has led the Company's development of advanced technology for information management, which has set standards for precision and versatility. He regards his latest work, focusing on an approach to text mining that goes "beyond Search" directly to the problem of decision support, as the ultimate challenge for information processing.

Dr. Evans has authored three books and over one hundred refereed papers and technical reports. During his years at Carnegie Mellon University, Dr. Evans was the principal or co-principal investigator on 33 funded research projects, encompassing such areas of research as automating foreign-language instruction (the ALICE Project, including ALICE-chan, a module focusing on Japanese); modeling medical decision making and medical expertise (the Macy Project); biomedical knowledge base development for text analysis and indexing (the MedSORT Projects); and creation of an electronic archive for congressional papers (the HELIOS Project); as well as the CLARIT work.

Dr. Evans holds nine U.S. patents on techniques and algorithms related to information processing. A number of additional patents are pending in Japan.

Dr. Evans was recently elected Fellow, American College of Medical Informatics.

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Mr. Bill Krewin Bill Krewin, Vice President and Chief Operations Officer

Bill Krewin joined Clairvoyance Corporation in August 2000. He has more than 20 years experience specializing in software engineering, product marketing, customer service and operations in both small and large companies.

Prior to joining Clairvoyance, Mr. Krewin was a co-founder, president and COO at where he was responsible for operations, software engineering and product management. Before Jovio, he was the CEO and co-founder of Safeguard Interactive Inc., vice president of engineering at Regulation Scanning Inc., and a senior engineering manager at Seimens Nixdorf Inc.

While at Jovio, Mr. Krewin developed the product marketing organization that defined product requirements and strategies, as well as the engineering organization that developed the company's products. Additionally, he is the inventor on several patent pending technologies for the scaleable distribution of targeted advertising.

With Safeguard, Mr. Krewin raised investment capital and built strategic relationships with Intuit, Network Associates and Storage Technology Inc. The Safeguard Service was bundled with Intuit Quickbooks and available through retail distribution. He is the inventor on multiple data storage patent pending technologies.

As vice president of engineering at Regulation Technology Inc., Mr. Krewin developed document management and text retrieval technology for health, environmental and safety regulations in 12 countries and 50 states. He designed and built a document acquisition system that manages over several million pages of regulations and regulatory updates.

Mr. Krewin served as a senior engineering manager at Siemens Nixdorf where he was responsible for international development of legacy and advanced products including operating systems, file system, communications controllers and data base technologies.

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Mike Caffrey, Chief Financial Officer

No stranger to fast-paced technology organizations, Mike Caffrey joined Clairvoyance Corporation as chief financial officer in November 2000. His background includes extensive experience in developing financial strategies and operations models that position organizations for rapid growth.

Prior to joining Clairvoyance, Mr. Caffrey served as CFO and COO with JD Warren, Inc., a service provider to the insurance industry specializing in data mining technology. Previously, he was COO and CFO for the e-commerce division of ProcureNet, where he led acquisition and restructuring strategies prior to the company’s public spinoff. He was also interim CFO at Power Control Technologies during the successful public offering of this $200 million aerospace manufacturer.

A native of Massachusetts, Mr. Caffrey’s career began with a position with the Federal Reserve Board and includes six years with the Washington, D.C., office of Price Waterhouse. A Certified Public Accountant and a Certified Management Accountant, Mr. Caffrey earned his bachelor’s degree in economics and his MBA from Dartmouth College.

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Ms. Traci Cikins, CPATraci Cikins, CPA, Director of Accounting and General Administration

Traci Cikins is Clairvoyance Corporation's treasurer, also serving as the controller and director of accounting and general administration.

Prior to joining Clairvoyance in 1996, Ms. Cikins served as the controller for two other Pittsburgh-based entrepreneurial high-technology companies. She also worked in the audit department for Ernst & Young LLP.

Ms. Cikins is a Certified Public Accountant, and is an active member of both the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting with high honors from Seton Hill College in Greensburg, Pennsylvania.

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Mr. J. Mark StevensonJ. Mark Stevenson, Vice President of Engineering

Mark Stevenson has worked for more than 16 years in software development, joining Clairvoyance in October 1995 as a senior systems designer. He was promoted to director of technology and development, and named to the the Clairvoyance management committee in 1997. He became vice president of engineering in May 2000. With Clairvoyance, Mr.Stevenson's work has included technical lead and product/team management of a text entity extraction project that shipped products to two U.S. government intelligence organizations; toolkit design/implementation and team/project management for applying fine-grain multi-threading to existing and new Clairvoyance software; and development project management with design/technical consulting responsibilities. The latter projects included concept clustering, document clustering, entity extraction, CLARIT database transactions and system re-architecture to enable multiple language and character-set functionality.

Before coming to Clairvoyance, Mr. Stevenson worked at Carnegie Mellon University in the Computer Science Department, primarily as a senior research programmer on the Mach operating systems project. He was co-designer/implementer of the Mach-US object-oriented multi-server operating system running on the Mach3.0 micro-kernel. Mr. Stevenson's responsibilities included design and implementation of OS servers and service interfaces (including: network, task, others), OS interrupt system, programmer team management, publication/presentation, and active participation in research grant application. His publications included: Mach-US: UNIX On Generic OS Object Servers (USENIX Winter 95), Client-Server Interaction in Multi-Server Operating Systems, and Generalized Emulation Services for Mach3.0: Overview, Experiences and Current Status (USENIX Mach Symposium 91).

Mr. Stevenson's earlier experience included work at Formative Technologies as a senior software engineer designing and developing distributed image scanning and plotting products with technical team management responsibilities, and work with Intel Corporation on OS development with an emphasis on network communication implementation.

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Mr. Mohan RamaniMohan Ramani, Vice President of Business Development

As Clairvoyance Corporation's vice president of business development, Mr. Ramani's responsibilities include developing and implementing effective growth strategies that position Clairvoyance as a market leader in specific domains. He also assists with identifying appropriate partners and establishing mutually beneficial relationships that are global in scope and scale.

Most recently, Mr. Ramani founded and ran a consulting practice that assisted mid-sized firms in developing and managing strategic partnerships for purposes of project execution. In particular, he worked on managing projects that involved multiple firms from different countries engaged in completing comprehensive turnkey solutions. Previously, Mr. Ramani worked as a marketing consultant for Mellon Equity Associates (an institutional asset manager) and at Mellon Bank's Corporate Marketing Group.

Mr. Ramani earned a Masters in International Affairs with a specialization in International Political Economy from the University of Pittsburgh in May 2000. He also received a Bachelor of Arts in Economics with minors in History and International Relations from Ohio University in 1993.

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Mr. Thomas McGarryThomas McGarry, Director of Sales and Marketing

In his role as Clairvoyance Corporation's director of sales and marketing, Thomas McGarry is defining and launching new products based on Clairvoyance's technology. Mr. McGarry also acts as a liaison with other organizations, assists in giving direction in future products and contributes to public relations and advertising. Mr. McGarry is also responsible for generating leads, as well as handling sales and customer relations.

Prior to joining Clairvoyance, Mr. McGarry spent more than 10 years in senior management roles working with wireless voice and data. Most recently, he was regional vice president/general manager for the start-up GSM provider Aerial Communications. Prior to that, Mr. McGarry was director of marketing at Comcast, and vice president of sales and marketing at BellSouth.

Mr. McGarry earned his Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of Pennsylvania with extensive work at Wharton School of Business and continuing education courses in TQM, finance, marketing and management.

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Dr. Alison HuettnerDr. Alison Huettner, Director of Knowledge Resource Development

Dr. Alison Huettner joined Clairvoyance as a senior linguist in 1998. As project manager for the English Natural Language Processing (NLP) team, she refined the CLARIT NLP resources and experimented with extensions, including expanded lexical equivalences, semantic typing, specialized affect handling and a prototype question answering system. Dr. Huettner is currently leading the Knowledge Resources team.

Prior to joining Clairvoyance, Dr. Huettner was a senior engineer at Carnegie Group, Inc. She worked briefly on a fact-extraction system before moving to the Caterpillar machine translation (MT) project, one of the few successful commercial deployments of MT technology to date. Dr. Huettner acted as project manager for the final year of the project, and is one of the inventors on the associated patent for an integrated authoring and translation system. She also worked on ClearCheck, a standalone tool for authoring technical documents in a restricted version of English.

Dr. Huettner's previous experience includes knowledge engineering for Content Technologies and an assistant professorship at Hofstra University. She received her Ph.D. in linguistics from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 1989.

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Mr. Thomas NeuendorfferThomas Neuendorffer, Director of Human-Computer Interaction

Thomas Neuendorffer joined Clairvoyance in 1997 to head a small group charged with the design and implementation of functional advanced prototypes of CLARIT-based applications. This includes the CLARIT Miner prototype, as well applications for interacting with e-mail, netnews, MS Exchange and the World Wide Web. In addition, he serves on the Management Committee and is a matrix manager of the applications development group.

Before joining Clairvoyance, Mr. Neuendorffer was technical founder and chief scientist for GALT Technologies, before GALT merged to become a division of Intuit Inc. Prior to the merger, Mr. Neuendorffer designed and implemented the technology related to NETworth, a mutual fund and stock information site considered to be one of the top five consumer financial sites on the Internet.

During that time Mr. Neuendorffer also designed and implemented an initial web site for a major investment company, a flexible web-based portfolio system, a system that forwards client leads to fund companies, a system to allow users to interact with their Mutual fund account information residing at remote main-frames, and systems for searching and reporting a variety of financial information.

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Ms. Sandy Schubert, PHRSandy Schubert, PHR, Director of Human Resources

Sandy Schubert is Clairvoyance's Human Resources Manager. She joined the company in 1996 and has been responsible for recruiting and retaining the majority of the present staff from an international, national and local base. Ms. Schubert handles the management of the corporation's benefits and compensation packages, and the employee relations and employment policy administration.

Prior to joining Clairvoyance, Ms. Schubert was employed by the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and a local shareware company. In addition, she has held several leadership positions in the volunteer community.

Ms. Schubert is a certified Professional in Human Resources with the Human Resources Certification Institute. She is also a member of the Society for Human Resource Management, the Society for Human Resources Management High Tech Net, and the Pittsburgh Human Resources Association. Ms. Schubert holds both the Human Resource Generalist and Advanced Human Resource Generalist certificates from the Society of Human Resource Management.

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